How To Kill Mold In A Garden

Moldy vegetables often exist beyond the confines of untidy refrigerators. Many types of mold affect fresh garden vegetables growing in the soil. Mold, a species of fungus, grows in moist, humid locations. Arid gardens seldom experience mold and mildew, while gardens in humid climates harbor various types mold. Take proper precautions to avoid the appearance of this growth. Treat current mold conditions to avoid subsequent vegetable loss.

Step 1

Kill existing mold before planting your garden plants. Many types of mold spores remain in the surface of the soil where they infect garden plants year after year. If you experienced moldy vegetables in your garden the previous year, remove the affected soil by shoveling out and replacing affected sections. Plant your vegetables in soil that drains easily. Most vegetables thrive in sunny locations in well-drained soil. Avoid low areas that collect water after a rain. Choose a location that receives a majority of daytime sunlight.

  • Moldy vegetables often exist beyond the confines of untidy refrigerators.
  • Many types of mold affect fresh garden vegetables growing in the soil.

Step 2

Remove weeds in the vicinity of your garden site. Weeds spread the mold and mildew spores to nearby plants. Clear the area adjacent to your garden to kill mold in these plants.

Step 3

Set each plant far apart in your garden soil. Allow adequate room for future growth and maturity of each species. Avoid crowding conditions that inhibit airflow around the plants' leaves and stems. Determine the expected maturity of each species and add a few inches to the measurement to allow room for sunlight and air between plants.

  • Remove weeds in the vicinity of your garden site.
  • Clear the area adjacent to your garden to kill mold in these plants.

Step 4

Apply a commercial fungicide. Select a formula indicated for use on your garden plants. Follow manufacturer's instructions when applying the fungicide.

Step 5

Kill insects that contribute to the formation of certain types of garden mold. Apply an insecticidal soap to keep down the damaging insect population. Follow the instructions on the package when applying insecticidal soap to your plants.

Step 6

Prune off affected sections of plants to save the plant. Cut off all moldy sections and remove the pieces of vegetation from the garden area. Check your plants often to catch mold before it spreads.

  • Apply a commercial fungicide.
  • Follow the instructions on the package when applying insecticidal soap to your plants.


Avoid overwatering garden plants. Too much moisture causes an increase in susceptibility to mold and mildew.


Do not place moldy vegetation in a compost pile intended for subsequent garden use. Contaminated compost introduces diseases, including mold, into healthy soils.

Things Needed

  • Shovel
  • Fungicide
  • Insecticidal soap
  • Pruning shears
