Signs Of Over Watering In Dogwood Trees
Dogwoods are small trees that are popular additions to many landscapes in the eastern and southeastern United States. These beauties burst into pink or white bloom in spring and boast bright red berries in the fall. However, these trees are susceptible to many diseases and problems if not properly taken care of. Although drought and under watering are more common issues, over watering can also contribute to poor appearance and disease in dogwoods.
Root Rot
Root rot is caused when too much water pushes the air out of the soil, resulting in root decay. The signs of root rot are wilting leaves and branches and leaf scorch, a condition marked by the browning of the edges and tips of a plant's leaves.
Changing Leaf Color
Another symptom of over-watered dogwood trees is the changing leaf color. Leaves may turn yellow or light green to indicate stress from too much moisture.
- Dogwoods are small trees that are popular additions to many landscapes in the eastern and southeastern United States.
- The signs of root rot are wilting leaves and branches and leaf scorch, a condition marked by the browning of the edges and tips of a plant's leaves.
Powdery Mildew
If your dogwoods have a white substance on the leaves and buds, powdery mildew may be the culprit. Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that thrives in wet, humid conditions. Curling, deformed leaves are another sign of powdery mildew. Watering from overhead and even rainfall contributes to powdery mildew. When watering, try not to get water on the leaves and water early in the day so the moisture can dry before nightfall.
Signs Of Stress In Dogwood Trees
Dogwoods (Cornus florida) are flowering deciduous trees that are planted as specimen, or accent trees, due to their ornamental value throughout all four seasons. Improve the health and lifespan of your dogwood tree by regularly checking for signs and symptoms of stress. Dogwoods are sensitive to injury from mowers and weed whackers, due to their shallow root system. Without proper health and care, over time, your dogwood tree may die. When a dogwood tree does not receive adequate water, the leaves of the tree begin to dry with the edges becoming brittle and brown, leading to leaf loss. It is important to keep your dogwood tree properly irrigated to avoid water stress and leaf scorch. Dogwood trees have a particularly shallow root system, which makes them more sensitive and susceptible to stress during periods of drought. These pathogens easily infect trees that are not provided the proper cultural care or growing conditions, thereby causing further damage and stress. Always remove damaged, broken or diseased limbs.
- If your dogwoods have a white substance on the leaves and buds, powdery mildew may be the culprit.
- When a dogwood tree does not receive adequate water, the leaves of the tree begin to dry with the edges becoming brittle and brown, leading to leaf loss.
- Dogwoods for American Gardens
- Dogwood Diseases
- Clemson University Cooperative Extension: Dogwood Diseases & Insect Pests
- SavATree: Dogwood Tree Care and Diseases
- Missouri Botanical Garden: Flowering Dogwood Problems
- Pennsylvania State University: Dogwood Diseases
- Clemson University Cooperative Extension: Dogwood