How To Grow Texas Red Star Hibiscus Seeds
The striking look of the Texas star hibiscus makes the plant one that many gardeners in warm climates want to grow. The Texas star hibiscus comes in many colors, however it is most well known for its red variety. Growing Texas red star hibiscus seeds is relatively easy and only requires a few resources and steady attention to the growing seedlings. Once your seedlings are established you can transplant them to larger, more permanent pots, or plant them out in your yard or garden area.
Step 1
Fill as many small pots as you'd like with potting soil up to the rim of each pot. Set the pots in a warm location where they will receive light but minimal direct sunlight.
Step 2
Plant two to three seeds in the center of each pot 1/4 of an inch deep and cover over lightly. Water the pot lightly with a spray bottle to moisten the soil.
- The striking look of the Texas star hibiscus makes the plant one that many gardeners in warm climates want to grow.
Step 3
Keep the soil damp without soaking it for two weeks as the seeds germinate. Once the seeds have sprouted water them only when the soil is dry to the touch.
Step 4
Continue to water the seedlings and care for them until they have grown their third set of true leaves. Either transplant the seedlings outdoors or move them to one-gallon containers and carry on watering as the plants grow.
Step 5
Look for your hibiscus plants to bloom the following spring; however, it can take a second year before you see blooms as the plant may continue to focus on branch and root growth.
Care For A Star Hibiscus
Grow Texas Star in a well-drained, full-sun planting bed. In areas with high rainfall, select a slightly sandy planting location to encourage good drainage. Spread a 2- to 3-inch layer of mulch over the bed to retain moisure and keep down weeds. Fertilize Texas Star once a month during the spring and summer when the plant is actively growing. Apply a balanced fertilizer blend at the lowest monthly rate recommended on the package label. Inspect the undersides of hibiscus leaves periodically for aphids, the primary pest of the plant. Rinse the insects from the foliage if they are present. Cut back the hibiscus to the ground in early winter if cold weather kills back the stems.
- Keep the soil damp without soaking it for two weeks as the seeds germinate.
- Look for your hibiscus plants to bloom the following spring; however, it can take a second year before you see blooms as the plant may continue to focus on branch and root growth.
Things Needed
- Small seed pots, 4 to 6 inches
- Potting soil
- Spray bottle
- 1 gallon pots (optional)
If you aren't having much success with seed germination, try setting a heating pad under the seed pots set on low. Keeping the soil warm can encourage the seeds to sprout.
- "Reader's Digest Illustrated Guide to Gardening"; Carroll C. Calkins; 1993
- "How to Grow Native Plants of Texas and the Southwest"; Jill Nokes; 2001
- Mississippi State University: Versatile Texas Star Shines in Tropical, Cottage Gardens
- University of Florida: Hibiscus Coccineus Swamp Mallow