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How to Transplant Portulaca

Portulaca, (Portulaca grandiflora), or moss rose, is a hot-weather loving, low-growing plant that brightens up the landscape with blooms in vivid red, yellow, pink and orange atop juicy, succulent leaves. Once portulaca is established, it will grow happily with very little care, even in poor soil and drought conditions. Portulaca, an annual, is strictly a summer plant and will die with the first frost of the season. It is a sturdy succulent, and when transplanted, it easily adapts to its new home.

Prepare the soil ahead of time by loosening the top 3 to 4 inches. Remove any rocks, roots and large dirt clods. Be sure the portulaca's new home is in full sunlight and that the soil drains well. Avoid planting portulaca anywhere that rain pools for more than a few hours.

  • Portulaca, (Portulaca grandiflora), or moss rose, is a hot-weather loving, low-growing plant that brightens up the landscape with blooms in vivid red, yellow, pink and orange atop juicy, succulent leaves.

Water the portulaca lightly the evening before you plan to transplant it. Watering will ensure that the plant is well hydrated, and will help the soil to adhere to the roots.

Dig in a circle around the portulaca with a shovel, then lift the portulaca from the soil, with the soil attached. Transplant the portulaca as soon as possible so the roots don't dry out. If you have to transport the portulaca, put it in a cardboard box, and keep the roots moist.

Dig a hole in the prepared spot for the portulaca and plant it with the top of the roots just below the surface of the soil. Water the portulaca lightly, and keep the soil moist for a few days. After the portulaca is established in its new home, which is evident by the appearance of new growth, the portulaca needs to be watered only when the soil is completely dry.

  • Water the portulaca lightly the evening before you plan to transplant it.
  • Dig in a circle around the portulaca with a shovel, then lift the portulaca from the soil, with the soil attached.

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