How To Use Orange Peels To Kill Ants

There are quite a few types of commercial insecticides used for killing ants in and around the home. However, these can be toxic and aren't always the best choice for those who have pets or small children. Making orange peel insecticide is a natural alternative to commercial sprays and powders. The citrus oil in the peels gets rid of ants and keeps them from returning. It's best to apply the solution to the anthill early in the morning so that the majority of the ants are still inside.

Step 1

Peel two to three oranges. Use the fruit for another purpose and discard pieces of the white pith that aren't connected to the peel.

  • There are quite a few types of commercial insecticides used for killing ants in and around the home.
  • Use the fruit for another purpose and discard pieces of the white pith that aren't connected to the peel.

Step 2

Place the orange peels in the blender pitcher and add about a quarter-cup of warm water. Cap the blender and puree the peels and water on high for about 90 seconds.

Step 3

Add more water to the orange peel insecticide about a tablespoonful at a time until the mixture is an easily poured liquid.

Step 4

Locate the anthill outside and pour the orange peel ant killer directly into the top opening in the colony. It's OK if some of the solution doesn't make it into the anthill, as it will eventually sink into the dirt.

Step 5

Repeat the treatment as needed. If there is more than one anthill in the yard, it's important to treat each of them with the orange peel insecticide to control the ant situation.

  • Place the orange peels in the blender pitcher and add about a quarter-cup of warm water.
  • Add more water to the orange peel insecticide about a tablespoonful at a time until the mixture is an easily poured liquid.

Orange Peels To Kill Ants

Products sold to kill and prevent ants in your home are full of chemicals that may be harmful to you, your family and your pets. One home remedy involves using orange peels. Orange peels contain oils that act as insect repellents, and they can kill ants, as well as prevent ant infestations. Place orange peels from one orange in a blender with one cup of water. Puree the orange peels and water until they are mixed together into a solution. The solution also acts as a repellent and will keep ants from wanting to enter your home. Spray the solution around the outside of base of your house to keep ants from entering.

  • Products sold to kill and prevent ants in your home are full of chemicals that may be harmful to you, your family and your pets.
  • Spray the solution around the outside of base of your house to keep ants from entering.

Things Needed

  • Oranges
  • Blender


Be careful not to come in direct contact with the anthill. You might want to wear gloves.

