List Of Plants & Shrubs That Should Avoid Lime

Plants and shrubs that should avoid lime, or ericaceous plants, thrive in acidic soil. If the pH of the soil is not acidic enough for the plant's requirements, they will not absorb iron. Iron deficiency leads to yellow leaves containing green veins. When severe, brown margins will also form.


This evergreen shrub grows up to 18 inches high and produces spiky clusters of small flowers surrounded by colorful sepals. Heather (Calluna vulgaris) blooms in summer in pink, white and red colors.


Camellias (Camellia) bloom in winter to late spring and have broad, glossy leaves. Pink, red and white flowers sprout in various shapes and range in size from 2 to 5 inches in diameter.

  • Plants and shrubs that should avoid lime, or ericaceous plants, thrive in acidic soil.
  • Heather (Calluna vulgaris) blooms in summer in pink, white and red colors.

Sweet Pepperbush

Sweet pepperbush (Clethra alnifolia) also is called summer sweet and is a deciduous shrub that blooms during late summer to early fall. Growing 6 to 8 feet tall, the small fragrant flowers form spiky clusters of white.


The 4- to 5-foot tall broom (Cytisus) produces red, yellow, pink or white blooms in mid-spring to early summer.


Enkianthus blossoms bell-shaped flowers of red, white or creamy yellow during the mid-spring to early summer period. Some types of this deciduous shrub also produce red or orange foliage.

Heaths (Erica)

Heaths can come in the form of evergreen shrubs or trees. Bloom time depends on the type of plant, but when blooms arrive they come in the form of bell-shaped white, pink, red or gold flowers in spiky groups.

  • Sweet pepperbush (Clethra alnifolia) also is called summer sweet and is a deciduous shrub that blooms during late summer to early fall.
  • Bloom time depends on the type of plant, but when blooms arrive they come in the form of bell-shaped white, pink, red or gold flowers in spiky groups.

Magic Lilies (Lycoris squamigera)

The tall, leafless stems of the magic lily form large pink, red and yellow flowers in trumpet shapes. Blooming in late summer to early fall, these flowering bulbs grow up to 2 feet tall.

Fothergillas (Fothergilla)

This late spring blooming deciduous shrub produces fragrant white or pink blossoms in a bottle brush-like form. These flowers arrive before or as the leaves appear.


These come in an evergreen or deciduous variety, and bloom time varies depending on the type used. Flowers grow into a tubular shape and come in a range of colors and sizes. The entire plant size ranges from 2 to 20 feet high.

  • The tall, leafless stems of the magic lily form large pink, red and yellow flowers in trumpet shapes.
  • Flowers grow into a tubular shape and come in a range of colors and sizes.


  • "The Flower Gardener's Bible;" Lewis and Nancy Hill; 2003
  • "Care-free Plants: A Guide to Growing the 200 Hardiest Low-Maintenance, Long-Living Beauties;" Richard E. Bir, C. Colston Burrell, Lina Burton, Judy Glattstein, Peter Loewer, Betty Mackey and Tovah Martin ; 2002
