How To Save A Neglected Hoya Plant

The hoya plant is a viney, wax plant that loves to be ignored. It thrives in hanging baskets and is easy to grow. Hoya plant leaves are usually dark green but can vary. Blooms called umbels grow larger and more profound as the plant matures. Hoyas should be kept in bright, indirect sun. Even though they adapt to most environments, it is possible for hoyas to suffer if they are neglected for long periods of time. With a little attention, though, you can save a hoya plant.

  • The hoya plant is a viney, wax plant that loves to be ignored.

Step 1

Check the soil to make sure the hoya plant is in loose, sandy soil. This is preferable to heavy, clay varieties.

Step 2

Feel the soil. If it's dry to the touch, water the plant. In the active growing season, which is the spring and summer, hoyas need to be kept moist. It's okay in the winter to let it dry out between waterings. Add more water twice a week during this time of year.

  • Check the soil to make sure the hoya plant is in loose, sandy soil.

Step 3

Examine the leaves. If they are rounded or shriveled up, the plant needs more water. The leaves will flatten out as it gets moisture.

Step 4

Move the hoya plant to a location that has indirect sunlight. An east or west window is perfect. If it's not doing well, it may be because the light is too harsh or there isn't enough sun. Hoyas may not grow or flower in low-light conditions. If you notice rigid, yellow leaves, the plant is getting too much sun and needs to be moved.

  • If they are rounded or shriveled up, the plant needs more water.

Step 5

Prune neglected hoyas because they will wrap around anything they come in contact with. You can trim them anytime they grow excessively, or right after the blooming period ends. Cut the stems right next to a leaf so you don't have visible stubs.

Step 6

Fertilize hoya plants to rejuvenate them. They only need food once a month. Apply a balanced fertilizer with a nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium ratio of 15-15-15. Do not feed in the dormant, winter season.

  • Prune neglected hoyas because they will wrap around anything they come in contact with.


Don't worry about low humidity. Hoya plants will do just fine.

Things Needed

  • Water
  • Pruning shears
  • Fertilizer
