How To Plant Sedum Dragon's Blood
Dragon's blood sedum is a low-growing ground cover with succulent leaves. In the summer, it produces brilliantly dark red flowers that stand out well against its evergreen leaves. Once fall arrives, the leaves turn burgundy and stay that way throughout the winter. Dragon's blood sedum is very popular because it can grow in poor soil in hot, dry conditions; spreads very rapidly once established; and is an attractive plant year-round.
Step 1
Wait for the right time to plant dragon's blood sedum. The succulent can be planted in the spring or fall. If you plant it in the spring, wait until the danger of frost is past and the ground has thawed. Dragon's blood sedum can be planted any time in the fall before the first frost of winter.
- Dragon's blood sedum is a low-growing ground cover with succulent leaves.
- Dragon's blood sedum is very popular because it can grow in poor soil in hot, dry conditions; spreads very rapidly once established; and is an attractive plant year-round.
Step 2
Choose a location that has full sun or dappled shade. The more sunlight the plant is exposed to, the more vibrant colored it will become. Gerald Klingaman, a horticulturist for the University of Arkansas, suggests planting this sedum in partial shade, but never full shade. While sedum dragon's blood will grow in just about any type of soil–save very sandy soil–it thrives best in soil that is well-draining. Very wet or boggy soil will rot the roots of this plant.
Step 3
Dig a hole the same depth and width as the planting container. Place the plant in the hole and back fill it with the removed soil. Note that because this plant is so hardy, you do not need to add any fertilizer or organic compost. Individual plants should be planted between 7 and 12 inches apart. Their fast growth means that they will spread and combine very quickly.
- Choose a location that has full sun or dappled shade.
- While sedum dragon's blood will grow in just about any type of soil–save very sandy soil–it thrives best in soil that is well-draining.
Step 4
Tamp the soil down around the plant, then water it thoroughly. Add a 2-inch layer of mulch around each sedum dragon's blood plant. This will help to keep the soil moist and discourage any weed growth.
Step 5
Remove withered, brown stems and leaves in the fall for a tidier look. Sedum dragon's blood will reseed itself in early autumn.
While dragon's blood sedum is a wonderful ground cover (perfect for hillsides or eroding areas), it does not tolerate foot traffic very well and should not be planted between flagstones on a path. Dragon's blood sedum is an excellent plant choice if your plants are usually eaten by deer or rabbits. These animals do not like the taste of the dragon's blood sedum's bitter leaves.
Things Needed
- Shovel or trowel
- Watering tool
- Mulch