How To Make A PVC Plant Stand

Plant stands in the home or office can be functional, decorative and inexpensive if you make them with PVC pipe. PVC pipe is lightweight, durable and simple to assemble into many items for your home. Camouflage the raw materials of the PVC plant stand with spray paint or acrylics. Paint a flowering vine that runs along the length of the plant stand or cover it with a marbleized or metal paint finish to fit your décor and sense of style.

Step 1

Cut a length of 3/4-inch PVC pipe equal to the desired height of the plant stand. This is the center pole of the stand. Cut three 18-inch-long sections, one 12-inch section and one 4-inch section of 3/4-inch PVC pipe. These pipes will become the base legs and the plant holder section of the plant stand.

  • Plant stands in the home or office can be functional, decorative and inexpensive if you make them with PVC pipe.

Step 2

Spread PVC primer onto the outside rim of one end of the center pole and the inside rim of the elbow section of the four-way connector. Wait 10 seconds for the primer to set up. Apply an even coat of PVC cement over the primer. Insert the PVC pipe into the elbow section of the four-way connector. Hold the pipe and connector steady for about 15 seconds so the cement will have time to set up.

Step 3

Join one of the 18-inch lengths of PVC pipe to the three remaining openings on the four-way connector. Follow the same procedures outlined in Step 2. The plant stand now has a three-legged base and a center support pole.

  • Spread PVC primer onto the outside rim of one end of the center pole and the inside rim of the elbow section of the four-way connector.
  • Join one of the 18-inch lengths of PVC pipe to the three remaining openings on the four-way connector.

Step 4

Connect one of the elbow connectors to the other end of the PVC center pole. Follow the procedure outlined in Step 2. Make sure that the open end of the elbow connector is directly above the plant stand legs.

Step 5

Connect the 12-inch-long pipe to the open end of the elbow connector. This is the plant hanger portion of the plant stand.

Step 6

Join the remaining elbow connector to the end of the plant hanger pipe. The open end of the elbow connector should be facing upward.

  • Connect one of the elbow connectors to the other end of the PVC center pole.
  • Join the remaining elbow connector to the end of the plant hanger pipe.

Step 7

Join the 4-inch section of PVC pipe to the open end of the elbow connector. This section of pipe creates a lip so the plants will not slide off the plant stand.

Things Needed

  • 3/4-inch PVC pipe
  • PVC pipe cutter
  • 3/4-inch PVC 4-way connector
  • PVC primer
  • PVC cement
  • 2 3/4-inch PVC elbow connectors
