Wheat Like Ornamental Grasses
Many ornamental grasses create a tall central stem with flowers and seeds that look very much like wheat. In many cases, you will have choices that include native grasses that may now be less common in the wild. Many of these native grasses require less water than non-native grasses and can be part of a xeriscape, or low water landscape.
Feather Reed Grass
Feather reed grass is a vertical, wheat like clumping grass that creates distinct verticals with wheat like tops. Feather reed grass grows to between three and five feet and grows well in USDA climate zones 5 through 9. Feather reed grass is flood tolerant and often grows very well next to marshes, ponds, or other areas that may be susceptible to minor, short term flooding. However, the plant also grows well in dry climates and areas. In drier places, the grass will tend to be shorter. Feather reed grass tolerates lighting conditions ranging from full sun to partial shade. Feather reed grass grows a tall central stalk with wheat-like flowers and seeds.
- Many ornamental grasses create a tall central stem with flowers and seeds that look very much like wheat.
- Many of these native grasses require less water than non-native grasses and can be part of a xeriscape, or low water landscape.
Switch Grass
Different types of switch grass are native to North America. Switch grasses are tall, wheat-like grasses that were some of the original prairie grasses on the North American plains. In many cases, native switch grasses have been replaced by cultivated grasses. In many places, switch grasses are being cultivated as ground cover and animal fodder. However, it also is a good ornamental grass with wheat like qualities like a tall central stalk and seed configuration.
Western Wheatgrass
Although western wheatgrass is generally used for erosion control and reclamation projects, its tolerance for wide soil and light types makes it a good candidate for use as a wheat like ornamental grass. Western wheatgrass only requires 12 to 14 inches of water per year and grows at mid to moderately high elevations up to 9,000 feet. Western wheatgrass is native to North America. Wheatgrass got its name because its tall central stalk and seed shape looks very much like wheat.
- Different types of switch grass are native to North America.
- Although western wheatgrass is generally used for erosion control and reclamation projects, its tolerance for wide soil and light types makes it a good candidate for use as a wheat like ornamental grass.