How To Propagate Muscadine Vines

Muscadine is a species of grape that is native to North America. The grape vine grows in both wild and cultivated forms along the Atlantic coastal region, through the Gulf Coast states and throughout the Mississippi River Valley as far north as Missouri. The grapes have a thick skin and are harvested singly instead of in clusters. The vine is notable for its smaller-sized leaves. Muscadines are an appealing variety of grape to grow in the United States because the plant is resistant to diseases and insects. According to the North Carolina State University Extension, one of the easiest ways to propagate muscadine vines is through softwood cuttings.

Step 1

Select parent vines that are green and succulent. Parent vines should show no evidence of disease or illness. Vines should be thicker than a pencil, with about 4 inches between the spots, or nodes, where leaves emerge.

  • Muscadine is a species of grape that is native to North America.
  • Muscadines are an appealing variety of grape to grow in the United States because the plant is resistant to diseases and insects.

Step 2

Cut a shoot from the parent vine. Remove the lowest two leaves.

Step 3

Cut off the base of the shoot between the fifth and sixth nodes. This is your first cutting.

Step 4

Divide the remainder of the shoot into sections that are about three to four nodes long. Discard the final 10 inches of shoot tip.

Step 5

Remove the lower half of the leaves from your cuttings. Place the ends of your cuttings in a bucket of lukewarm water to preserve them.

  • Cut a shoot from the parent vine.

Step 6

Prepare a raised bed by filling it with equal parts peat moss and pine bark. Insert cuttings halfway into the soil. Two nodes should be buried below the soil.

Step 7

Mist leaves and keep them moist until plants have a chance to root, but do not let the soil become saturated with water. You can set up an automatic sprinkler system on a timer to mist the plants for five seconds every 10 minutes.

Step 8

Transplant muscadines once roots become established. Like all grapes, muscadines do not respond well to being transplanted as they become older. So you should move young plants into a permanent location where they will not need to move again.

  • Prepare a raised bed by filling it with equal parts peat moss and pine bark.
  • Mist leaves and keep them moist until plants have a chance to root, but do not let the soil become saturated with water.

Things Needed

  • Muscadine vine
  • Garden shears
  • Garden hose
  • 5-gallon bucket
  • Peat moss
  • Pine bark
  • Sprinkler with timer (optional)
  • Shovel
