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How to Use Bath Water to Water Plants

Using bath water to water plants is one way to recycle water that would otherwise go down the drain. In times of drought, to conserve water or simply if you're trying to cut your water bill, you can save water left over from baths and use it to water your house plants. Plants won't be harmed by the minimal quantities of soap usually found in bath water. Don't use bath water on any edible plants, though, since bath water may contain harmful bacteria you don't want to ingest.

Leave the plug in the tub after you finish your bath. Allow the water to cool.

Fill a watering can or bucket from the tub. Use this container to water your plants.

  • Using bath water to water plants is one way to recycle water that would otherwise go down the drain.
  • In times of drought, to conserve water or simply if you're trying to cut your water bill, you can save water left over from baths and use it to water your house plants.

Check local regulations before using bath water on any plants outside of the house. Many states and municipalities prohibit the use of bath water (otherwise known as gray water) on lawns or garden plants.


Any bathwater left over from watering your plants can be used to flush toilets; pour the water from a bucket into the toilet bowl.


If you have a water softener, the higher quantities of sodium in the water could build up in plants, so alternate watering with non-bath water.

Don't keep the water in the tub for more than a day, as this could encourage the growth of bacteria.

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