How To Plant Vegetables In Plastic Bag Containers
Plastic bags are sold in many garden centers to be used as grow bags. There is no need to purchase these bags, as a heavy-duty garbage bag is a suitable replacement. Plastic bags are an alternative to traditional planters when starting a container vegetable garden. They are readily available, inexpensive and sturdy enough to last the garden season. Plastic grow bags are best-suited to growing single plants of larger vegetable varieties such as tomatoes and peppers.
Step 1
Fill a plastic bag with potting soil until there is 2 feet of soil in the bag. Arrange the soil so the bag sits flat on the ground with the top of the bag level with the ground beneath.
- Plastic bags are sold in many garden centers to be used as grow bags.
- Plastic bags are an alternative to traditional planters when starting a container vegetable garden.
Step 2
Poke six holes in the bottom of the bag. These holes allow excess moisture to drain out so plants don't become waterlogged.
Step 3
Plant the vegetable transplant in the bag at the same depth it was at in its nursery pot. Water after planting so the soil is evenly moist.
Step 4
Check moisture in the bag daily by sticking your finger into the soil. If the top 1 inch of soil feels dry, water thoroughly until moisture begins dripping from the bottom of the plastic bag.
Step 5
Mix a soluble 10-20-10 analysis fertilizer with water according to fertilizer label instructions. Water with this solution instead of plain water to add nutrients back into the soil.
- Poke six holes in the bottom of the bag.
- Check moisture in the bag daily by sticking your finger into the soil.
If planting potatoes in the plastic bag, fill the bag just half-full with soil. As the plant grows, add more soil, as the potato will produce more usable roots off the main stem as it is slowly buried. Place bag containers where they receive full sunlight.
The soil in the bag may heat up more quickly than in other containers. This may lead to quicker drying so daily moisture checking is vital.
Things Needed
- Garbage bags
- Soil
- Vegetable transplant
- Fertilizer