How To Kill Hookworms And Roundworms In The Yard
Hookworms and roundworms are common pet parasites. If your pet harbors these parasites, he will deposit their eggs in your yard. To effectively kill hookworms and roundworms in your yard, first treat the lawn and then treat your pets. Household pets should be checked for roundworms and hookworms by a veterinarian at least once a year and put on preventative medication.
Step 1
Pick up all the animal feces from your lawn. Tightly bag and throw away the feces and wash the tools that came in contact with the feces.
Step 2
Cut your grass and remove the clippings. Do not compost the clippings, throw them away. They may harbor hookworm and roundworm eggs.
- Hookworms and roundworms are common pet parasites.
- To effectively kill hookworms and roundworms in your yard, first treat the lawn and then treat your pets.
Step 3
Sprinkle 10 pounds of sodium borate per 100 square feet of your lawn.
Step 4
Rake the lawn to distribute the sodium borate.
Step 5
Prevent the spread of hookworms and roundworms. Only allow your pet to use one area of the lawn to defecate. Then, clean up waste as soon as it is deposited to prevent the spread of the eggs.
Treat Your Yard For Hookworms
Domestic pets, such as cats and dogs, and other mammals can carry hookworms, which are spread through feces. A health hazard, hookworm infestations can cause anemia and protein loss, which can lead to death of your pet when left untreated. While your veterinarian can prescribe treatment for active infestations, prevention is the best policy. However, if your yard is infested with hookworms, prevention includes lawn treatment. Remove pet waste from your yard daily. Wash concrete and other hard surfaces with salt brine, mixed at the rate of 1 1/2 pounds of salt per 1 gallon of water. Apply at the rate of 1 pint of solution per square foot. Apply diatomaceous earth, or DE, to grassy areas.
- Sprinkle 10 pounds of sodium borate per 100 square feet of your lawn.
- Only allow your pet to use one area of the lawn to defecate.
Things Needed
- Lawn mower
- Sodium borate
- Rake
- Best Friends Pet Care: Protecting Your Pets for Common Parasites
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Parasites — Hookworm
- The Merck Veterinary Manual: Hookworms in Small Animals
- Arizona Cooperative Extension: Pests Press: Diatomaceous Earth
- University of Florida IFAS Extension: Managing Hookworms in the Landscape