Plants That Will Hide Electrical Boxes

If you have an eyesore like an electrical box attached to your home, don't worry. You can use shrubs and trees to cover it up. There are many beautiful perennial blooms to plant that do an excellent job at hiding the electrical box. Depending upon where the box is located, make sure you have at least 36 inches of clearance from the box in case the utility company needs to work on your home.

Ornamental Grasses

Any type of ornamental grass does a great job at hiding an electrical box. When the utility company needs to come out to check the box, these grasses withstand people trampling out and around the space. They grow back very quickly and don't look bad if they accidentally get run over. Blue fescue has blue-green foliage and can withstand arid temperatures where water is limited during the summers. Feather reed grass, another type of ornamental grass, grows between 4 and 5 feet tall, perfect for covering up an electrical box. Plant the ornamental grasses grouped together to create a design around the landscape while covering up the box.

  • If you have an eyesore like an electrical box attached to your home, don't worry.
  • There are many beautiful perennial blooms to plant that do an excellent job at hiding the electrical box.


Dwarf spruce trees are also ideal for covering up an electrical box. These evergreen trees won't shed their leaves and remain their color all year-round so you don't have to worry about the box becoming exposed during the winter months. These smaller trees grow up to 2 feet wide with dense and compact foliage that shelters eyesores like a box. Their brilliant blue design also looks lovely along the side of the house for added burst of color.

Junipers, another bright evergreen, have textured foliage that looks beautiful when planted in rows. These fast-growing evergreens also look beautiful when shaped into interesting topiaries that add a fun and unusual design to the landscape. The columnar shape of the juniper and height also helps to cover up the ugly electrical box.

  • Dwarf spruce trees are also ideal for covering up an electrical box.
  • These evergreen trees won't shed their leaves and remain their color all year-round so you don't have to worry about the box becoming exposed during the winter months.

Butterfly Bush

Hide the unattractive electrical box with a bright and colorful butterfly bush. These hardy and fast-growing perennials grow up to 15 feet in height. The colorful blooms add a splash of vibrancy to the landscape. If they happen get stepped on or broken, their branches come back quickly. Their mound-like shape and fullness is ideal for hiding a box higher up or larger than normal. Plant these lovely bloomers in full sun and watch them come alive each blooming season.
