How To Change The Oil In A GTS-5 Toro Lawn Mower
Changing the oil in your GTS-5 lawn mower is a fairly straightforward procedure ad certainly easier than changing the oil in a car. But, similar to a car, changing the oil of your mower is an important part of its maintenance. Dirty oil can potentially damage your Toro lawn mower's engine or considerably shorten its lifespan. The oil on your Toro lawn mower should be changed after its first 2 hours of operation. After that, reduce the frequency to once yearly.
Step 1
Warm up the oil. Run the engine in an open area for roughly 5 minutes.
- Changing the oil in your GTS-5 lawn mower is a fairly straightforward procedure ad certainly easier than changing the oil in a car.
- The oil on your Toro lawn mower should be changed after its first 2 hours of operation.
Step 2
Remove all of the fuel from the tank if it is not already empty. The safest way to do this is simply to set the lawn mower outside, turn on the engine and let it run until all the fuel is drained.
Step 3
Pull the spark plug out with your fingers. It is located on the front of the mower, just below the engine.
Step 4
Unscrew the oil cap and attached dipstick from the oil fill tube.
Step 5
Place a pan next to the mower that can hold at least 40 ounces of fluid. It should be near enough to the right side of the lawn mower to catch the oil coming out of the oil fill tube when the machine is on its side.
- Remove all of the fuel from the tank if it is not already empty.
- It should be near enough to the right side of the lawn mower to catch the oil coming out of the oil fill tube when the machine is on its side.
Step 6
Tip the mower on its right side (the air filter should be facing up). And pour the oil out of the oil reservoir and into the pan.
Step 7
Pour in the oil slowly. Insert the dipstick periodically and stop when the oil level reaches the "full" line on the dipstick.
Step 8
Replace the cap and attached dipstick.
Step 9
Clean off any oil spilled on the mower.
Step 10
Dispose of the used oil at your local recycling center or take it to your neighborhood mechanic for proper disposal.
- Tip the mower on its right side (the air filter should be facing up).
- Insert the dipstick periodically and stop when the oil level reaches the "full" line on the dipstick.
Things Needed
- 20 oz. of 30W detergent oil with an API service classification of SF, SG, SH, SJ, SL or higher
- Pan
- Hand fuel pump