How To Root A Cutting From A Pear Tree

The pear is a hardwood tree and is often grown from seed. However, starting a pear tree from a cutting is not terribly difficult, although more than one attempt may be needed before you achieve success. Always take your cuttings from new growth, never old and woody growth. Also keep in mind that younger trees have a better propagation rate than older trees, so whenever possible take your cuttings from younger trees. Cuttings can be taken in late summer or early fall.

Step 1

Cut the end of a branch of new growth approximately 6 inches long. Make the cut just below a leaf node as the node is the best place for roots to start. The cutting should be about the thickness of a pencil.

  • The pear is a hardwood tree and is often grown from seed.
  • Also keep in mind that younger trees have a better propagation rate than older trees, so whenever possible take your cuttings from younger trees.

Step 2

Remove any leaves from the lower 1/3 of the cutting.

Step 3

Dip the cut end of the cutting into a rooting hormone powder, available at any nursery and most home centers. Keep as much powder on the cut end as possible.

Step 4

Fill a growing pot with regular potting soil that is moist but not soaking wet. Poke a home in the soil with your finger or a pencil that is 2 to 3 inches deep. Carefully insert the cut end of the cutting into this hole and pack the soil around it.

Step 5

Cut the bottom from a clear plastic 2-liter soda bottle and place the bottle over your cutting to form a small greenhouse.

  • Remove any leaves from the lower 1/3 of the cutting.
  • Dip the cut end of the cutting into a rooting hormone powder, available at any nursery and most home centers.

Step 6

Place your cutting near a window where it will receive plenty of indirect light and stay warm. Do not put your greenhouse in direct sunlight or you may bake your cutting and kill it.

Step 7

Watch for new growth. New growth should appear after 3 to 4 weeks. Once new growth appears remove the plastic cover and allow your plant to receive several hours of direct sunlight each day. Keep the soil moist but not saturated. Your cutting has now rooted.

  • Place your cutting near a window where it will receive plenty of indirect light and stay warm.
  • Once new growth appears remove the plastic cover and allow your plant to receive several hours of direct sunlight each day.


Start several pear tree cuttings at the same time as some of them may not root.

Things Needed

  • Sharp knife
  • Growing pot
  • Potting soil
  • Rooting hormone
  • 2-liter clear soda bottle
