Cheap Backyard Walkway Ideas

Walkways serve an integral function in the backyard landscape. Paths direct traffic around and through garden areas, limiting access and damage from foot-traffic through flower beds. Adding a walkway to the backyard doesn't need to be an expensive endeavor. Many design options exist to fit any budget. Walkways should be designed and tailored to match the style of your garden. Cheap backyard walkway ideas include mulch walks, simple wooden paths, lined walkways and brick paths.



Mulch serves as a protective layer in garden beds, but this versatile landscape tool can also create a reasonably priced walkway. Create a mulch walkway by laying garden hose along the desired path. Dig up existing grass in a meandering path to remove roots and weeds. Place a 3-inch layer of mulch to establish the pathway. Line the mulch path with plastic edging or simply use a sharp spade to dig a trench edge to mark the edges.

  • Walkways serve an integral function in the backyard landscape.
  • Create a mulch walkway by laying garden hose along the desired path.

Stepping Stones

Stepping Stones

Stone paths use native rocks gathered from building sites in your area. Choose rocks with a relatively flat shape in uniform colors. Place these stones about 6 inches apart in a natural walking pattern through the garden or backyard. Dig a shallow hole to accommodate the shape and size of the rock and fill in around the rock with loose soil. Stepping stones blend well when they are placed in grassy areas or in mulched garden beds.

Wooden Pathways

Wooden Pathways

Asimple wooden walkway design allows the landscaper to add a walkway to the backyard without great expense. Scrap pressure-treated lumber can be purchased from home improvement stores. Remove all grass and weeds from the walkway area to limit future maintenance. Create a beautiful wood pathway by making a simple frame and placing cut boards diagonally or horizontally along the frame.

  • Stone paths use native rocks gathered from building sites in your area.
  • Create a beautiful wood pathway by making a simple frame and placing cut boards diagonally or horizontally along the frame.

Lined Walkways

Lined Walkways

Defining a walkway rather than placing hardscape material presents one of the cheapest ways of delineating a walkway in the backyard. Create the impression of a path by lining the preferred route with solar lighting. Plant shrubs or perennials in larger groups to create the illusion of a winding path through the backyard. Use low-lying fence sections to delineate garden areas and prevent intrusion into the planting area. Simple ornamental additions mark the edge of planting areas and encourage movement through the landscape.



Brick offers gardeners the opportunity to add a more permanent walkway to the landscape without great expense. Brick can be used for bordering mulch paths or as the foundation for a path. Purchase bricks by the pallet to reduce the overall cost. Remove grass and add a layer of sand to stabilize the brick path. Add measured spaces between the bricks and fill in with soil or mulch to reduce the number of bricks required to create the walkway.

  • Defining a walkway rather than placing hardscape material presents one of the cheapest ways of delineating a walkway in the backyard.
  • Simple ornamental additions mark the edge of planting areas and encourage movement through the landscape.
