How To Harvest Bahia Grass Seed
Bahia grass is a very hardy grass from South America that has become extremely popular in many southeastern and southwestern states. Two reasons for Bahia grass' popularity is that it will grow in sandy soil and once established it requires little if any water. Fertilize Bahia grass with a low-nitrogen high-iron fertilizer to increase the production of seeds. Commercially, Bahia seeds are collected using strippers or a beater, but for small-scale production a normal lawn mower will suffice.
Step 1
Fertilize your Bahia grass early in the growing season with a low-nitrogen high-iron fertilizer. In Florida and many parts of the southeast and southwest special fertilizers designed specifically for Bahia grass may be available. If so, follow the manufacturer's instructions for the quantity to use.
- Bahia grass is a very hardy grass from South America that has become extremely popular in many southeastern and southwestern states.
- Commercially, Bahia seeds are collected using strippers or a beater, but for small-scale production a normal lawn mower will suffice.
Step 2
Water your Bahia grass sparingly, but do not allow the soil to become completely dry and hard or seed production will diminish.
Step 3
Watch for seed heads to appear in mid to late summer. Wait until seed heads are just beginning to turn brown and then mow. Collect the cut seed heads and place them in a cloth bag.
Step 4
Allow the seeds to dry for 24 hours inside the bag and then shake the contents vigorously.
Step 5
Remove the grass and other debris; the seeds will have collected at the bottom of the bag. Place the seeds in a zip lock bag and store in a cool, dry location for three years for best germination.
- Water your Bahia grass sparingly, but do not allow the soil to become completely dry and hard or seed production will diminish.
- Allow the seeds to dry for 24 hours inside the bag and then shake the contents vigorously.
Rid Of Bahia Grass
Bahia grass is a native Brazilian grass that was imported for use in the U.S. Southeastern pastures and lawns because of its heat and drought tolerance. Although newer varieties grow more evenly and are hardy further north than the original cultivars, Bahia grass has proven unattractive in lawns. Bahia grass vitality depends in part on its ability to set seed on V-shaped racemes. It responds poorly to acidic soil, any soil with a pH of more than 7.0. It also often needs a shot of iron mid-season. Use a nitrogen-heavy fertilizer early and often. Check with your local U.S. Department of Agriculture extension service to find out how to amend your soil to make it less healthy for Bahia grass and more inviting to centipede or Bermuda grass. Use post-emergent broadleaf Weed-n-Feed. Always use herbicides in the recommended strengths; wear protective clothing; and wash equipment and hands after finishing applications.
- Bahia grass is a native Brazilian grass that was imported for use in the U.S. Southeastern pastures and lawns because of its heat and drought tolerance.
- Check with your local U.S. Department of Agriculture extension service to find out how to amend your soil to make it less healthy for Bahia grass and more inviting to centipede or Bermuda grass.
Things Needed
- Lawnmower
- Cloth bag
During the summer months you should get new seed heads almost every week.