How To Use Wicker Baskets To Plant Flowers

Adding potted flowers to your indoor décor brings some of the greenery and colors of nature into your living spaces. The containers you plant in add to the decorative element of the plants but also must be suitable for continued plant health. Wicker baskets are a readily available and attractive choice for planters. Precautions must be taken to protect the basket so it lasts many years and to also ensure that the soil drains properly so the plant thrives.

Step 1

Set a plastic drip tray inside the basket. Choose a tray that is large enough to cover the entire bottom of the basket. Set a single layer of pebbles in the drip tray to aid drainage.

  • Adding potted flowers to your indoor décor brings some of the greenery and colors of nature into your living spaces.
  • Set a single layer of pebbles in the drip tray to aid drainage.

Step 2

Line the inside of the wicker basket with a clear plastic bag. Trim the top of the bag so only two inches protrude from the top of the basket. Fold this excess over the rip of the basket to keep the bag from slipping inside.

Step 3

Poke holes in the bottom of the bag so extra water can drain into the drip tray. Five to six hole are sufficient.

Step 4

Fill the basket half full with a quality potting mix. Water the mix until it is moist but not soggy.

  • Line the inside of the wicker basket with a clear plastic bag.

Step 5

Grasp the plant by the stem near the soil surface. Pull off the nursery pot with the other hand. Tap the pot on all sides to loosen it if it doesn't easily pull off.

Step 6

Set the plant in the basket and arrange it so the top of the root ball sits two inches beneath the rim of the pot. Fill in around the root ball with potting mix until the plant is at the same depth it was at in its nursery pot.

Step 7

Water the plant until the soil is evenly moist. Set the basket on top a second drip tray in case there is any overflow from the top or bottom. Water and care for your plant as directed on the plant label.

  • Grasp the plant by the stem near the soil surface.
  • Fill in around the root ball with potting mix until the plant is at the same depth it was at in its nursery pot.


Occasional wetting of the wicker won't damage it, but empty the drip tray on the bottom when necessary so the basket doesn't sit in water for long periods. Fertilize your flowers with a liquid houseplant fertilizer to encourage healthy growth.


Drainage is not as good in lined wicker as it is in other types of planters, so choose flower types that can tolerate slightly moister conditions.

Things Needed

  • Plastic drip trays
  • Pebbles
  • Plastic bag
  • Potting mix
