Flowers That Look Like Peonies

Native to China and Japan, peonies are now grown in temperate areas throughout the world. Peonies are prized for their large, showy and often fragrant flowers. Many peonies bear multiple petals and petaloids in the center of the flower that give the blooms a very full, rounded shape. This flower form also appears in other types of plants that have blossoms resembling peonies.

Double Late Tulips

Double Late Tulips

Double late tulips produce many more petals than the average tulip flower. They come in a range of colors and petal types that look very much like peonies. Double late tulips resemble peony flowers so much that they are often called peony tulips. The blossoms are very large and when completely opened they can be up to 4 inches across. They also bear one blossom per stem, similar to herbaceous peonies.

  • Native to China and Japan, peonies are now grown in temperate areas throughout the world.
  • Many peonies bear multiple petals and petaloids in the center of the flower that give the blooms a very full, rounded shape.



Many varieties of rose closely resemble peonies. The blossoms of the English rose, in particular, have the multiple whorls of flower petals with the smooth, curved edges and cup-shaped form also found in many peony varieties. The range of colors and patterns of the petals also reflect those of many peony cultivars. Roses grow as larger shrubs, similar to tree peonies.



The peony is grown primarily in temperate climates, putting it out of reach of gardeners in southern parts of the country. The camellia, however, is a warm weather-loving that looks very similar to peonies. In fact, there is an entire class known as peony-form camellias. They produce blooms that have the same rounded shape with many petals and petaloids, typical of many peony varieties.

  • Many varieties of rose closely resemble peonies.
  • The range of colors and patterns of the petals also reflect those of many peony cultivars.

Peony Poppies

Peony Poppies

While most poppies typically have just a few petals, there are some varieties that so resemble peonies that they are referred to as peony poppies. With huge, puffballs of petals, these impressive poppy blossoms are very showy and large. Peony poppies are red, pink, lavender and white, similar to many varieties of peonies.
