How To Care For An Emina Houseplant

The Emina (Nephrolensis exalta 'Emina') is an unusual variety of Boston fern. Attractive, distinctive fronds that twist and spiral and make this houseplant look fluffy. It's smaller and more compact than other Bostons, and grows slower. This makes it a nice option for those who have limited space. Emina isn't quite as fussy as its relatives about watering, making it a good variety for beginning Boston fern enthusiasts.

Step 1

Place your Emina houseplant in a cool, humid location with bright, filtered or diffused light out of direct sun. It will perform best with daytime temperatures between 60 and 75 degrees F, and 55 to 65 degrees F at night. Good air circulation is desirable, but outdoor specimens must be protected from wind. The fronts will burn easily if the plant isn't sheltered from strong breezes.

  • The Emina (Nephrolensis exalta 'Emina') is an unusual variety of Boston fern.
  • Emina isn't quite as fussy as its relatives about watering, making it a good variety for beginning Boston fern enthusiasts.

Step 2

Increase humidity when temperatures rise above 70 degrees F. This is particularly important during times that you're heating your home. Put some pebbles or marbles in a shallow container, almost cover them with water and set the plant on them. Mist Emina once daily during the summer months.

Step 3

Water enough to keep the soil surface evenly moist throughout the season. This fern's growing medium shouldn't be allowed to dry out completely while actively growing, but it should never be soggy or wet. Although Emina likes moisture, it can't tolerate wet feet. In addition to your regular watering schedule, soak this plant's soil completely about once a month during warm spells. Allow it to drain thoroughly.

  • Increase humidity when temperatures rise above 70 degrees F. This is particularly important during times that you're heating your home.
  • This fern's growing medium shouldn't be allowed to dry out completely while actively growing, but it should never be soggy or wet.

Step 4

Feed your Emina every 4 weeks during the growing season with an all-purpose liquid fertilizer.

Step 5

Supplement regular fertilizing once during the spring and again in mid-summer to boost Emina's vigor and deepen the plant's color. Feed with a solution of 2 tbsp. Epsom salts dissolved in a gallon of warm water.

Step 6

Remove damaged, dead, and unsightly yellow or fading fronds as they may occur. Cut stems at the soil line with clean, sharp shears. Not only will this tidy up the plant, it will encourage new growth and fullness.

  • Feed your Emina every 4 weeks during the growing season with an all-purpose liquid fertilizer.
  • Supplement regular fertilizing once during the spring and again in mid-summer to boost Emina's vigor and deepen the plant's color.

Step 7

Decrease watering during the cooler months, and mist only once or twice weekly. Allow Emina's soil surface to dry out slightly between waterings from late fall until the end of winter. Resume normal watering in early spring when you notice new growth emerging.


If Emina's leaves pale or begin to yellow, it's getting too much water, not enough humidity, or not enough light.

Things Needed

  • Pebbles or marbles
  • All-purpose liquid fertilizer
  • Epsom salts
  • Clean, sharp shears
