How To Divide Propagating Blue Fescue
Blue fescue is an ornamental grass variety used in flower gardens for landscape design in USDA growing zones 4 through 8 where the summers are mild and not overly wet. The blue fescue plants die out in the middle, and you should divide the plants every two to three years to keep the grass clump growing. Plant blue fescue divisions in a well-draining soil that's slightly sandy and has full sunlight conditions.
Step 1
Prepare a new planting area for the blue fescue divisions. Work the soil by digging several inches of organic compost into the area with a shovel.
Step 2
Dig up a clump of blue fescue, making sure to dig wide enough to include the entire root ball of the plant.
Step 3
Divide the plant into smaller clumps by cutting the root sections apart with a sharp knife. Cut the division so there are at least two to three grass stems with each section. Don't pull the clumps apart with your hands, as this may damage the root structure.
- Blue fescue is an ornamental grass variety used in flower gardens for landscape design in USDA growing zones 4 through 8 where the summers are mild and not overly wet.
- The blue fescue plants die out in the middle, and you should divide the plants every two to three years to keep the grass clump growing.
Step 4
Divide the exterior circumference of the root ball in blue fescue clumps that have died out in the center. Choose growing stems and the accompanying root area for best results with growing the new division. Discard the dead center section of the plant.
Step 5
Plant the divisions in their new location. Cover the entire root section with soil, and gently pack into place.
Step 6
Water the grass divisions immediately after planting. Continue to water the plants to keep the soil moist for the first two weeks after planting. Don't overwater the plants to cause standing water, as this contributes to root rot.
- Divide the exterior circumference of the root ball in blue fescue clumps that have died out in the center.
Blue fescue is drought-tolerant and doesn't respond well to overwatering. Water only so the soil is moist, not wet. The grass grows to a height of 6 to 12 inches and works well in rock gardens and flower bed borders.
Things Needed
- Organic compost
- Shovel
- Sharp knife
- Water