How To Grow A Rose Bush From A Bud

If you are given a bouquet of roses and wonder how to make them last, you can grow a rose bush from a single bud. The process involves one single rose bud, preferably an unopened bud, and a few basic hand garden tools. Start the process in summer or early fall. By springtime of the next year you will begin to see new rose buds sprouting from the rose bush you planted.

Step 1

Fill the planter halfway with course sand and a small amount of gravel for drainage. Fill the remaining half with fertilizer to within an inch of the lip. Dig a hole in the center of the planter to 3 inches deep. Use a stick to create the hole.

  • If you are given a bouquet of roses and wonder how to make them last, you can grow a rose bush from a single bud.
  • Fill the planter halfway with course sand and a small amount of gravel for drainage.

Step 2

Cut the bud that you want from the stem 3 inches down from the bud. Make multiple small cuts along the cut stem below the bud. This will help the rose bud grow the root system for the entire bush. Gently apply plant feeder to the cuts in the stem to help the roots grow.

Step 3

Place the stem into the planter and push it down into the fertilizer until only the bud is showing. Secure the bud by filling in the hole and tamping down the soil.

Step 4

Cover the bud with a plastic container. This creates a greenhouse effect that helps the bud to germinate. Water the bud so the ground is moist but not wet to avoid flooding it.

  • Cut the bud that you want from the stem 3 inches down from the bud.
  • This will help the rose bud grow the root system for the entire bush.

Step 5

Check the bud occasionally once it starts to grow. Gently give a slight pull on the bud to see if it can be pulled from the planter. Once the bud begins to grow roots it will secure itself into the soil and not be able to move. Be careful when doing this so you don't pull the roots out of the soil. If the roots have secured themselves it is time to move to the next step.

Step 6

Locate a sunny spot for the new rose bush. Rose bushes need at least six hours of direct sunlight daily–usually this is the eastern-facing side of the home or property. Make sure the location is not near overgrown areas or prone to weeds as these can rob the new rose bush of needed nutrition.

  • Check the bud occasionally once it starts to grow.
  • Make sure the location is not near overgrown areas or prone to weeds as these can rob the new rose bush of needed nutrition.

Step 7

Take the planter outside to the permanent location of the rose bush. Dig around the rose plant a radius of 3 inches to loosen the area where the roots are. Gently pull the rose loose by the stem until it comes completely free of the planter. Make sure the roots are loose before moving the bush to the new location.

Step 8

Dig a hole in the ground twice as deep and twice as wide as the root ball of the rose bush. This ensures the roots are not crushed or compacted during planting. Place the bush into the hole, making sure the roots have room to expand. Cover the roots with soil and gently pat down the dirt around the bush.

  • Take the planter outside to the permanent location of the rose bush.
  • Place the bush into the hole, making sure the roots have room to expand.

Step 9

Cover the bush with a plastic container again during winter to avoid frost and harsh weather. Water the plant weekly unless it rains or the ground is covered by snow. Remove the plastic cover once the rose bush begins to show signs of new growth in the spring.
