How To Compost Peanut Shells
Peanut shells are a great addition to a home compost pile. They provide a good source of fibrous woody matter that can break down in the compost pile and act as a carbonaceous agent. Composting is simply the product of controlled biological decomposition of organic material, according to the California Integrated Waste Management Board. It is the control part that you need to understand when it comes to adding things like peanut shells to your compost pile.
Step 1
Crush the shells by placing them on a flat surface and walking on them. This action will help start the process of breaking them down into soil. If you have a large amount of shells you wish to compost, you can do them in stages. Sweep them up into a bucket.
- Peanut shells are a great addition to a home compost pile.
- This action will help start the process of breaking them down into soil.
Step 2
Cover the crushed shells in water. They will try to float but add enough water so that they can move around freely. Soak them for at least twelve hours or overnight. You can leave them for a few days for even better water absorption.
Step 3
Drain the shells and add them to your compost pile. Since they act as a carbonaceous element and you want a healthy ratio of 25:1 of nitrogen to carbon materials, you will need to add a thin layer of nitrogenous material like grass clippings or kitchen scraps.
Step 4
Turn the pile by mixing it up with a garden fork every few weeks to introduce air into the middle of the pile. If it seems dry and there is no change, add more greens. If it is stinky and wet, add more brown material, like crushed peanut shells.
- Cover the crushed shells in water.
- Since they act as a carbonaceous element and you want a healthy ratio of 25:1 of nitrogen to carbon materials, you will need to add a thin layer of nitrogenous material like grass clippings or kitchen scraps.
Compost Lobster Shells
Adding cooked lobster shells and other shellfish items to a home compost pile will help the compost soil stay moisturized. According to shellfish compost manufacturers, Winterwood Farm, lobster shells contain chitin. Chitin is a complex molecule that is linked to moisture retention, may control nematodes and may help control plant diseases. Compost bins often attract flies which may be bothersome. Add food scraps including lobster shells, vegetable waste, fruit waste and eggshells to the compost bin. Use a pitchfork to mix the compost pile. Move items from the bottom to the top when adding new items to the pile. Wet the compost pile with a hose and sprayer attachment until the soil is moist. Air will help the compost heat up and break down more quickly. Distribute it over garden plants to provide extra nutrients to the soil.
- Adding cooked lobster shells and other shellfish items to a home compost pile will help the compost soil stay moisturized.
- Wet the compost pile with a hose and sprayer attachment until the soil is moist.
Things Needed
- Peanut shells (unsalted)
- Water