How To Make A Burdock Root Tincture

Tinctures are typically made by soaking herbs in consumable alcohol, which extracts the active constituents of the herbs into the liquid. This process creates a stronger medicine than herbal teas or infusions, and the shelf life is much longer than other herbal preparations. Burdock root, in particular, has been used in traditional herbalism to purify the blood and treat digestive ailments. The recommended dosage of the tincture is 2 to 4 ml per day. This recipe yields approximately 1 pint of burdock root tincture, but you can double it to make a larger batch if necessary.

Step 1

Place 2 oz. of burdock root in a glass, pint-sized canning jar. Fill the jar with vodka, and secure the lid. Label the jar with the contents and date, so you'll remember when it's time to strain the mixture. Use dried or fresh burdock root, depending on what's available.

  • Tinctures are typically made by soaking herbs in consumable alcohol, which extracts the active constituents of the herbs into the liquid.
  • This recipe yields approximately 1 pint of burdock root tincture, but you can double it to make a larger batch if necessary.

Step 2

Shake the jar for one to two minutes, and then place the jar in a cool, dark place, out of direct sunlight. Allow the herbs and alcohol to stand for two weeks, shaking the jar every other day.

Step 3

Remove the lid from the jar after the burdock root has soaked in the alcohol for two weeks. Strain the tincture through a piece of muslin or cheesecloth into a clean, glass jar.

Step 4

Discard the spent roots in your compost pile or garbage bin once you strain the tincture. Pour the burdock root tincture into dark-colored glass bottles through a small funnel to avoid spilling.

Step 5

Label the glass bottles with the contents, and store the finished burdock root tincture in a cool, dark place until you're ready to use it. It's best to use the tincture within two years, although it will probably keep even longer.

  • Shake the jar for one to two minutes, and then place the jar in a cool, dark place, out of direct sunlight.
  • Label the glass bottles with the contents, and store the finished burdock root tincture in a cool, dark place until you're ready to use it.


Use any type of vodka you have on hand to make your burdock root tincture, from 40-proof to 200-proof. If vodka isn't available, you can use ethyl alcohol, rum or pure-grain alcohol instead. To make an alcohol-free burdock root tincture for administering to pregnant women or children, substitute apple cider vinegar or glycerol for the alcohol.


Pregnant women and children shouldn't take burdock root tincture prepared with alcohol. Always consult a doctor before taking any new herb, regardless of your situation. Never use rubbing alcohol, methyl alcohol or any other substance not safe for consumption to make your tinctures.

Things Needed

  • 2 oz burdock root
  • Pint-sized canning jar
  • Vodka
  • Labels
  • Muslin or cheesecloth
  • Glass jar
  • Dark-colored glass bottles
  • Small funnel


  • "Prescription for Herbal Healing;" Phyllis A. Balch; 2005
  • "The Green Pharmacy: New Discoveries in Herbal Remedies for Common Diseases and Conditions from the World's Foremost Authority on Healing Herbs;" James A. Duke; 1997
