How To Propagate A Chinese Lantern
Chinese lantern plants, or physalis, are among the few plants a gardener can grow that is actually more attractive to them when dead than when alive. The Chinese lantern flower produces a seed pod that looks very much like a Chinese lantern and makes an attractive addition to a dried floral arrangement. This plant is propagated easily by seed in the spring or summer.
Step 1
Choose a location in your garden that gets direct sun or partial shade.
Step 2
Dig into the soil 6 inches, turning it and crushing any large clods of dirt. Remove any old roots and other debris.
Step 3
Lay down a 2-inch layer of compost and mix it well using the gardening fork with the existing soil. Level the soil and water well. Allow the soil to drain completely.
- Chinese lantern plants, or physalis, are among the few plants a gardener can grow that is actually more attractive to them when dead than when alive.
Step 4
Sow the seeds on the planting bed and cover lightly with soil.
Step 5
Water, using a fine mist setting, to maintain a moist soil. The seeds should germinate within two to four weeks.
Step 6
Thin the Chinese lantern plants to 2 feet apart.
Step 7
Fertilize the Chinese lantern plant, once established, with an all-purpose fertilizer once a month.
Propagate A Chinese Lantern
With their bright red, papery husks that take the place of tiny, white flowers, Chinese Lanterns are interesting and easy-to-grow plants that will provide a bright spot in the landscape. Chinese lanterns are often dried and used in flower arrangements or wreaths, where they will maintain their bright, orange-red color for weeks. Water the Chinese lantern the evening before you take a morning cutting from the plant. Cut the shoot just below a leaf or bud and make sure the cutting has at least two or three sets of leaves. Put the cuttings in a picnic cooler with several damp paper towels and set them in the shade until you're ready to root them. Fill a shallow container with a mixture of half commercial potting mix and half perlite. Set the planting container in a plate of water and let it wick up moisture until the soil is damp, then poke a hole in the potting mixture with a small stick. Continue to keep the soil moist.
- Sow the seeds on the planting bed and cover lightly with soil.
- Water the Chinese lantern the evening before you take a morning cutting from the plant.
Things Needed
- Shovel
- Gardening fork
- Compost
- Water
- Fertilizer, all-purpose
The Chinese lantern is a member of the nightshade family and the leaves and berries are poisonous.