How To Winterize Potted Strawberry Plants
Although strawberries are tough enough to withstand a mild freeze, they won't withstand long, hard freezes. Because potted strawberries don't have the same protection that ground-grown strawberries do, it's especially important to winterize them before winter sets in. However, strawberries require a cold period, so don't winterize them until the nighttime temperatures are consistently below freezing.
Step 1
Water the potted strawberry plants in late autumn before preparing them for the winter. Remove straggling leaves and cut back any dead foliage.
Step 2
Cover the strawberry pot with bubble wrap and put the pot in a sheltered spot near the wall of your house, or in a garage or shed. Water the soil occasionally so it doesn't dry out completely.
- Although strawberries are tough enough to withstand a mild freeze, they won't withstand long, hard freezes.
- However, strawberries require a cold period, so don't winterize them until the nighttime temperatures are consistently below freezing.
Step 3
Bring the strawberry pot out and remove the mulch and bubble wrap when the temperature reaches about 30 degrees Fahrenheit. Water the strawberries and feed them a dose of fertilizer formulated for tomato plants.
Step 4
Replace the strawberry plants with new plants every 2 to 3 years. Wash the pot and start with fresh potting soil.
Strawberry Plants
Make sure your strawberries receive plenty of direct sunlight; if neighboring plants or an overhanging tree have grown to block the sun during part of the day, trim the obstruction back. Keep the fruit up off the soil, using bedding such as straw or a plastic strawberry mat. Check your strawberry patch bedding regularly and add more bedding or rearrange it as necessary. Protect your fruit from birds using netting. Feed your plants with a high potassium, low nitrogen plant food to maximize fruit production and minimize leaf growth.
- Bring the strawberry pot out and remove the mulch and bubble wrap when the temperature reaches about 30 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Water the strawberries and feed them a dose of fertilizer formulated for tomato plants.
Things Needed
- Potted strawberry plants
- Garden shears
- Bubble wrap
- Water
- Tomato fertilizer
- Straw or bark chips
- Organic mulch
If the strawberry pot is small, you can bury the entire pot in the ground. Dig a hole large enough to accommodate the container, and put a layer of straw or bark chips in the bottom of the hole. Bury the pot up to the lip of the container, and cover the entire thing with a thick layer of organic mulch.