How To Repair A Lawn After Pine Tree Removal

Removing a pine tree from your yard can cause damage to the lawn that surrounds it. The yard may suffer dings and gouges from the branches when the tree is cut down. Pine needles create a thatch on the yard that can kills grass. The most destructive part of the tree removal process is removing the stump. After the stump is dug up, you are left with a yard with a large disturbed bare patch.

Step 1

Remove the tree debris from the lawn. Collect the branch pieces and rake up any pine needles. Use a pair of pruning clippers to remove stray tree roots that are close to the soil surface. If they are too large to clip then cut them away with a pruning saw.

  • Removing a pine tree from your yard can cause damage to the lawn that surrounds it.
  • Use a pair of pruning clippers to remove stray tree roots that are close to the soil surface.

Step 2

Add potting soil to the hole formed by the pine tree removal. Rake the soil to loosen any compacted places and level off the added soil. Try to keep the soil at the same level as the rest of the lawn.

Step 3

Broadcast the grass seed across the repair area. Do this in two directions to prevent missing any areas.

Step 4

Cover the grass seed with one-quarter to three-eighths inches of potting soil or peat moss. Grass seed must have soil contact in order to germinate.

  • Add potting soil to the hole formed by the pine tree removal.
  • Rake the soil to loosen any compacted places and level off the added soil.

Step 5

Water thoroughly with a fine mist spray. Do not flood the area since this will wash the grass seed away. Keep the soil moist and do not let it dry out since it will kill the grass seedlings once they have sprouted.


Water the newly planted grass until the soil is wet, but not soggy. Water the area everyday for the first week. Keep an eye on the area until the grass seeds have germinated and the seedlings are established.


Do not use herbicide on newly planted grass seeds. Wait six months before treating your lawn with herbicides, insecticides, fungicides and other pesticides.

Things Needed

  • Pruning clippers
  • Pruning saw
  • Potting soil
  • Rake
  • Seed grass
  • Water
