How To Get A Privet Hedge To Grow Fast

Privet hedges are frequently planted to define an outdoor space or screen an unwanted view. Naturally prolific, they will respond well to efforts to encourage them to grow fast. They bounce right back after pruning and seem to grow back faster and thicker than before. A newly- planted privet hedge will grow and fill in quickly even with a minimum of coddling. With consistent horticultural practices, a newly-planted privet will burst into vigorous growth and reach a respectable size the first year it is planted.

Step 1

Prune your privet hedge frequently. Pruning encourages the shrubs to put out new growth. Cut them back by 4 to 6 inches, or one-third of their length if shorter. Shape the hedges when pruning so that their bottoms are wider than the tops. This will allow sunlight to reach the bottom of the shrubs and encourage new growth.

  • Privet hedges are frequently planted to define an outdoor space or screen an unwanted view.
  • A newly- planted privet hedge will grow and fill in quickly even with a minimum of coddling.

Step 2

Water the equivalent of an inch of rainfall per week.

Step 3

Mulch in and around the individual plants that make up the hedge to keep the soil evenly moist and discourage weeds from growing.

Step 4

Apply granulated all-purpose fertilizer in early spring after the buds open and again at midsummer. Pull back the mulch and spread the fertilizer around the base of the hedge following the manufacturer's recommended rates of application. Replace mulch.

Step 5

Spray the foliage with a water-soluble high-nitrogen fertilizer every two weeks during the growing season until mid-August. Use a hose-end sprayer to apply the fertilizer to the leaves and branches, and follow the recommendations of the manufacturer of both the fertilizer and the hose-end sprayer.

  • Water the equivalent of an inch of rainfall per week.
  • Pull back the mulch and spread the fertilizer around the base of the hedge following the manufacturer's recommended rates of application.

Soil Type Needed To Grow A Privet Hedge

Privet grows well in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 8, depending on the varietal, in full sun or partial shade locations. Standing water will kill a privet, as it drowns the roots and also kills off the microorganisms in the soil that help feed and nurture a growing plant. Fill the hole completely with water. If the water has not drained completely, you need to solve the drainage problem prior to planting your privet, or choose another planting location. If your soil is claybound, for example, organic material helps break down the clay and improve its drainage. For example, Lodense Privet (Ligustrum vulgare "Lodense"), which grows well in USDA zones 4 through 8, is a dwarf varietal that grows only a few feet each season. Once established with regular watering, both of these privets require a general purpose fertilizer added to the soil for optimal growth.

  • Privet grows well in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 8, depending on the varietal, in full sun or partial shade locations.
  • Standing water will kill a privet, as it drowns the roots and also kills off the microorganisms in the soil that help feed and nurture a growing plant.

Things Needed

  • Pruning clippers
  • Mulch
  • Granulated all-purpose fertilizer
  • High nitrogen water-soluble fertilizer
  • Hose-end sprayer


To rejuvenate an old, overgrown privet hedge, hard-prune it by shearing it off about six inches above ground level.
