How To Care For Tickseed Flowers
Tickseed, also known as Coreopsis or Tickweed, is a species of perennial herb native to North America. It typically grows to about 12 inches in height and produces large, yellow flowers throughout the summer. Tickseed flowers live for 2 to 3 years if given the proper care, and are hardy in zones 4 through 9. They are fairly disease- and drought-resistant, and attract beneficial insects such as bees and butterflies to the garden.
Step 1
Plant tickseed flowers during early spring in a location that receives full sunlight throughout the day. Spread 2 inches of organic compost over the site prior to planting and use a garden tiller to incorporate it into the soil. Allow at least 8 inches of space between each tickseed planting.
- Tickseed, also known as Coreopsis or Tickweed, is a species of perennial herb native to North America.
- Tickseed flowers live for 2 to 3 years if given the proper care, and are hardy in zones 4 through 9.
Step 2
Water tickseed flowers once per week during spring, summer and fall, but only on weeks that don't receive at least 2 inches of rainfall. Reduce frequency to once per month during winter.
Step 3
Feed tickseed once per year in early spring using a balanced 10-10-10 NPK fertilizer. Apply half the recommended dosage, as too much fertilizer reduces the number of blooms. Follow the manufacturer's directions for proper application.
Step 4
Encourage additional flowering by trimming the plant to about 1 inch below each dead blossom, and new growth will replace it shortly after. Continue throughout the blooming season to maximize flower production.
- Water tickseed flowers once per week during spring, summer and fall, but only on weeks that don't receive at least 2 inches of rainfall.
- Feed tickseed once per year in early spring using a balanced 10-10-10 NPK fertilizer.
Step 5
Cut tickseed flowers back to the ground immediately after the tops are killed by frost. Cover with a 1-inch layer of mulch to insulate the soil and protect the root system throughout thewinter. Remove the mulch in early spring, just before growth starts.
Use a thick mulch such as shredded cedar bark to increase protection. Do not cut the flowers off if self-propagation is desired. The flowers will turn to seed and new plants will bloom in the immediate area, however they may not resemble the parent plant.
Things Needed
- Organic compost
- Garden tiller
- Fertilizer
- Mulch
- University of Illinois Extension: Tickseed
- Maryland Cooperative Extension: Coreopsis Production and Consumer Care
- "Indiana Gardener's Guide;" Joellen Sharp, Tom Tyler; 2004