How To Reproduce Blueberry Plants

Blueberry plants, once well-established, are nearly impossible to transplant. Instead of moving the plant, the solution is to reproduce the plant. The process is simple, and works well whether you are taking a plant with you to a new location, preserving a special plant, or wanting more blueberry bushes to enjoy. It's also an inexpensive way to create plants to give to friends, neighbors and family. The new plant will be identical to the old one, and will produce the same amount and type of fruit once it is mature.

Step 1

Mix about 1 tbsp. of bleach with approximately 1 cup of warm water.

  • Blueberry plants, once well-established, are nearly impossible to transplant.
  • The process is simple, and works well whether you are taking a plant with you to a new location, preserving a special plant, or wanting more blueberry bushes to enjoy.

Step 2

Clean a sharp knife with the bleach water solution. This will prevent the spread of any disease to the blueberry plant.

Step 3

Cut the wire coat hanger about 3 inches below each side of one of the bends so that it forms a long U shape. This will be the pin that holds the blueberry branch in place in the ground.

Step 4

Select a strong, healthy stem near the bottom of the plant that is fairly flexible and is long enough to reach the ground. Do not remove the stem from the plant.

Step 5

Dig a small hole, about 3 inches deep, near the stem you selected, but not directly against the base of the blueberry plant.

  • Clean a sharp knife with the bleach water solution.
  • This will prevent the spread of any disease to the blueberry plant.

Step 6

Bend the stem so that a portion of it runs through the hole and the tip of the stem comes out on the other side.

Step 7

Nick the stem with a knife to make a small wound, or peel away a small section of the outer layer. Do not peel all the way around the stem, only on one side.

Step 8

Brush the wound with rooting hormone.

Step 9

Pin the stem to the ground using the wire pin you made in Step 3, and pushing the ends of the pin as deep into the ground as you can get them without pinching or damaging the stem.

Step 10

Cover the stem with soil, leaving about 2 to 3 inches of the top of the stem sticking out. This will eventually be the top of your new blueberry plant.

  • Bend the stem so that a portion of it runs through the hole and the tip of the stem comes out on the other side.
  • Cover the stem with soil, leaving about 2 to 3 inches of the top of the stem sticking out.

Step 11

Water thoroughly.

Step 12

Wait four to six weeks for roots to form, watering regularly as the soil begins to dry.

Step 13

Dig up the new plant, taking care not to disturb the roots, and plant it in the desired location.


Grow several new plants at once by planting stems all the way around your well-established blueberry plant.


Don't leave the new plant in place next to the existing one for too long or it will become difficult to move and begin competing with the original plant for space and water.

Things Needed

  • Bleach
  • Rooting hormone (optional)
  • Spade
  • Wire coat hanger or heavy-duty wire
  • Wire cutters
