How To Transplant A Dividing Spider Lily
Spider lily, magic lily, hurricane lily, and surprise lily are all given names for the lily that grows in an abundance of lance shaped, green leaves, which die before a flower ever blooms. Later in the season, a slender stem will arch up and produce a single delicate lily with slender petals that resemble spider's legs. Varieties of the spider lily bloom in shades of pink, gold, and bright red. These bulb bloomers are prized for their ability to multiply quickly, enabling the gardener to dig up and divide the daughter bulbs for new plantings. Divide the clumps every five years or sooner if flowers appear smaller or not as vigorous.
Step 1
Dig bulbs in the fall, making a wide circle around the clump of spider lilies. Take care not to cut through the spreading bulbs.
- Spider lily, magic lily, hurricane lily, and surprise lily are all given names for the lily that grows in an abundance of lance shaped, green leaves, which die before a flower ever blooms.
- These bulb bloomers are prized for their ability to multiply quickly, enabling the gardener to dig up and divide the daughter bulbs for new plantings.
Step 2
Gently lift the clump with a shovel or garden fork and place on a mesh screen over a garbage can. Spray the clump with water until the soil and debris is removed into the can. Allow the bulbs to dry completely.
Step 3
Divide the small bulbs from the mother bulb carefully. You will notice mature bulbs, with diameters of up to 2 inches and smaller bulbs. Sandra Mason, Unit Educator of Horticulture & Environment for the University of Illinois Extension, suggests that although the mature bulbs are the most likely to flower, all bulb sizes may be re-planted.
Step 4
Store bulbs if you live in a zone colder than 5, as frost damage could kill them if left in the ground. Pack dry bulbs upside down, with the roots intact, in vermiculite. Place in a container in a dark, cool place, safe from pests.
- Gently lift the clump with a shovel or garden fork and place on a mesh screen over a garbage can.
- Spray the clump with water until the soil and debris is removed into the can.
Step 5
Re-plant bulbs in the fall in zones 5 and above. Spring planting is best for zones below 5 where bulbs are stored indoors over winter. Plant in clumps of up to five bulbs at 4 to 6 inches deep. Clumps should be spaced 6 inches apart to allow for future bulb division.
Step 6
Water the transplanted spider lily bulbs in the fall if rainfall is not adequate. Water spring planted spider lily bulbs to ensure root establishment for summer blooms. Do not allow the soil to get soggy, which will encourage root rot.
- Re-plant bulbs in the fall in zones 5 and above.
- Water the transplanted spider lily bulbs in the fall if rainfall is not adequate.
Things Needed
- Shovel
- Garden fork
- Hose
- Wire screen
- Garbage can
- Vermiculite
- Container