How To Grow Poppies Indoors

Poppies are one of the easiest flowers to grow. They come in over a dozen colors or color combinations to dress up any garden, including indoor containers. One of the most popular wildflowers to grow, the average poppy is between 2 to 3 feet tall. There are also dwarf varieties that will only grow to a foot and make wonderful indoor container flowers. They are best grown with other plants when grown indoors, as they complement other plants so well. You can't go wrong with the bright colors among foliage or trailing plants.

Step 1

Dampen the peat pots and place them on a tray, such as a cookie sheet. Poppies do not like to be transferred, so this way you can place the peat pots directly into your indoor container when they start to grow.

  • Poppies are one of the easiest flowers to grow.
  • Poppies do not like to be transferred, so this way you can place the peat pots directly into your indoor container when they start to grow.

Step 2

Place a couple poppy seeds in each peat pot. In order not to put too many seeds in each pot you can mix the seed with sand or use a folded piece of paper to gently tap the seed into the pot. You can also use a pair of tweezers and pick the seeds up individually.

Step 3

Cover the seeds very lightly with vermiculite and sprinkle some water over the pots. Cover the pots with plastic wrap to keep in the moisture. If they start to dry out, place some water in the tray and the peat pots will soak it up.

Step 4

Then place the tray in bright light, either a window that gets full sun or under a grow light. The seeds should germinate in 1 to 2 weeks, then remove the plastic. Thin out any pots with more than two flowers coming up in it.

  • Place a couple poppy seeds in each peat pot.
  • If they start to dry out, place some water in the tray and the peat pots will soak it up.

Step 5

Keep the pots moist by placing water in the tray until you see the peat pots are totally moist until you are ready to plant them in your indoor garden. The poppies are ready when they are strong enough to be watered without damage.

Step 6

Fill the container with potting soil, to within 2 inches of the top to allow for watering. Place any other plants you want in your container first but make sure to leave ample room for all of your poppy plants.

Step 7

Create a hole big enough for the peat pot to fit in the container. If the peat pot has a lip that holds water around the stem of the plant, break it off gently. Place the pot in the hole and fill in with potting soil around it.

  • Keep the pots moist by placing water in the tray until you see the peat pots are totally moist until you are ready to plant them in your indoor garden.
  • Fill the container with potting soil, to within 2 inches of the top to allow for watering.

Step 8

Place your container where it will get full sun to bright indirect sunlight. Water as the top of the soil starts to dry out. Try to keep the container in a fairly cool area.

Things Needed

  • Poppie seed
  • Peat pots
  • Tray
  • Tweezers
  • Vermiculite
  • Plastic wrap
  • Large container with drain holes
  • Potting soil
  • Compost
  • Watering can
