How To Grow Santa Ana Bermuda Grass
Santa Ana Bermuda grass produces lush, thick lawns and is a common choice of turf grass. It does particularly well in the southern United States where summer temperatures are high and winters are generally mild. Santa Ana Bermuda grass is known for its blue-green color and often retains its color well into the fall. In frost-free climates, Santa Ana Bermuda grass stays green all year. With regular deep watering, this grass will quickly populate a newly planted lawn and require frequent mowing. Plugs can be purchased online or at local nurseries and are one of the easiest ways to successfully grow Bermuda grass.
Step 1
Water the plugs. Plugs that have been shipped may need water immediately especially on the edges of the container. You should keep your plugs in the sun and well-watered until planted.
- Santa Ana Bermuda grass produces lush, thick lawns and is a common choice of turf grass.
Step 2
Determine the right location. Santa Ana Bermuda grass does best in areas with well-draining soil and full sun. Avoid areas that receive more than two hours of shade per day.
Step 3
Prepare the soil. Use a rototiller to loosen the soil and break up any clumps. Add compost and mix together thoroughly. If your soil is dry, water it until well-soaked then let dry for 24 hours before planting.
- Determine the right location.
- Santa Ana Bermuda grass does best in areas with well-draining soil and full sun.
Step 4
Plant the plugs. In a checkerboard pattern, make indentations in the soil large enough to fit each plug. Gently spread the roots and place each plug into a hole. Cover the roots with soil and use your hand to pat the soil and eliminate any air pockets.
Step 5
Water newly planted plugs. Fully soak the ground around the plugs to give them a good start. Continue to water your Bermuda grass every two to three days to maintain root moisture. After heavy rains, let the soil dry partially before returning to your normal watering schedule.
- In a checkerboard pattern, make indentations in the soil large enough to fit each plug.
- Fully soak the ground around the plugs to give them a good start.
Step 6
Fertilize your Santa Ana Bermuda Grass each month with a formula ratio of 21-7-14 or 16-6-8. Follow the directions on the label carefully.
Plant Bermuda grass in the early spring for best results.
Things Needed
- Compost
- Shovel
- Plugs
- Fertilizer