Plants That Grow In Water Only

While all plants rely heavily on water, some plants make their homes in it. The number of varieties of water plants is immense and not all can be listed here. Some aquatic plants play extremely vital roles the ecosystem of the world by providing an enormous amount of oxygen and food, while other water plants can be found in aquariums and ponds in private homes where they add color and character.



Anubias is a leafy plant that can survive completely underwater. Their tough leaves make them unpalatable to many aquatic creatures. They are one of the most hardy water plants.



The aponogetons are an underwater plant that prefers soft water and neutral acidity. The leaves are frilly, green and translucent. These plants grow from bulbs.

  • While all plants rely heavily on water, some plants make their homes in it.
  • The aponogetons are an underwater plant that prefers soft water and neutral acidity.



Cryptocorynes are hardy underwater plants that prefer hard water. They are greenish and the wendtii "red" cultivar has a reddish brown color. This plant can experience a unique disease called the cryptocoryne disease, but they eventually recover from this disease.

Water Lilies

Water Lilies

Water lilies only grow in water, with their leaves floating on the surface. These lilies are suitable for ponds. Their stunning flowers are what attract most water gardeners. Water lilies are famous for being comfortable places to rest for frogs.

  • Cryptocorynes are hardy underwater plants that prefer hard water.
  • These lilies are suitable for ponds.



Frogbit looks like green leaves floating on the water. The leaves come in clusters and are heart-shaped. These plants can be found in ponds, floating on the surface.

Water Irises

Water Irises

Water irises live in ponds and develop exotic flowers. They are useful for filtering dirty ponds. They survive the best in shallow water.



Reeds spring out of the water with long stalks. Reeds are often found in the shallow parts of a bog. While these reeds might give the pond a more natural look, they are difficult to get rid of and hard to control.

  • Frogbit looks like green leaves floating on the water.
  • These plants can be found in ponds, floating on the surface.

Kelp and Algae

Kelp and Algae

Kelp and algae play a vital role in the ocean's ecosystem, providing a primary food source for the ocean and also producing a large percentage of the oxygen in the atmosphere. Kelp is a form of macroalgae that clings to rocks in the ocean, and is a higher form of plant than algae.



Seaweed lacks a root system, instead floating in the ocean and absorbing nutrients. However, like other plants, seaweed absorbs sunlight and gains energy through photosynthesis.
