How To Care For A Weeping Snow Fountain Cherry Tree
The Prunus x snofozam, or weeping snow fountain, is a cherry tree that features long-lasting, pure white blossoms that naturally droop to the ground. The tree is slow-growing and small, which makes it perfect for smaller yards or gardens. The weeping snow fountain cherry tree is very drought resistant and hardy to diseases, although it can suffer from insect pests. This deciduous tree also features stunning orange and red foliage in the fall, adding another dimension to the landscape.
Step 1
Work organic mulch into the top layer of soil with a shovel, especially if the soil is heavy or clay. Dig a hole only as deep as the root ball, but twice as wide.
Step 2
Loosen the roots of the tree and carefully place it in the hole. Fill in the hole with soil and tamp it down.
- The Prunus x snofozam, or weeping snow fountain, is a cherry tree that features long-lasting, pure white blossoms that naturally droop to the ground.
- Work organic mulch into the top layer of soil with a shovel, especially if the soil is heavy or clay.
Step 3
Water the tree thoroughly and cover the area around the base of the tree with 2 inches of bark mulch without letting it touch the trunk.
Step 4
Insert a sturdy wooden stake deep into the ground next to the root ball, about 6 to 12 inches from the trunk, and tie the tree to the stake with string or twine. Keep the tree staked for two years.
Step 1
Water your weeping snow fountain cherry tree two or three times a week during prolonged hot periods and less or not at all when it rains. Wait until the top of the soil layer is dry. Water deeply and slowly. Deep watering encourages the roots to grow deeper, creating a stronger tree.
- Water the tree thoroughly and cover the area around the base of the tree with 2 inches of bark mulch without letting it touch the trunk.
- Insert a sturdy wooden stake deep into the ground next to the root ball, about 6 to 12 inches from the trunk, and tie the tree to the stake with string or twine.
Step 2
Fertilize the tree once in early spring when the buds appear. Use a fertilizer formulated for flowering trees, or a general all-purpose balanced (10-10-10) fertilizer.
Step 3
Prune any new, straight shoots emerging from the trunk or ground immediately. Prune the drooping branches in early fall to the length you prefer. Use sharp shears. Do not prune in the winter. Weeping snow fountain cherry trees can be pruned in a variety of shapes.
- Fertilize the tree once in early spring when the buds appear.
- Prune the drooping branches in early fall to the length you prefer.
Watch for signs of insects, such as borers. Holes in leaves or deformed flower buds are both common signs. If you see these signs, treat your tree with an insecticide immediately.
Things Needed
- Shovel
- Organic mulch
- Watering tools
- Wooden stake
- String or twine
- Balanced fertilizer
- Pruning shears
- Insecticide