How To Lay Landscaping Blocks

Landscaping blocks are versatile, attractive materials that can enhance any kind of outdoor space. Because landscaping blocks are usually solid, their own weight holds them together, so you don't need to use mortar or cement for stability. Landscaping blocks come in a wide range of colors, shapes and sizes. You can use landscaping blocks for a variety of landscape projects, including building retaining walls, edging, borders for raised gardens or flower beds, and walkways and patios.

Step 1

Choose the landscaping blocks that are right for your project. For a straight retaining wall, you can use larger, interlocking blocks to make your job easier. For a garden border or raised flower bed, look for smaller landscaping blocks with more decorative or natural-looking shapes. If you're creating a walkway, be sure to choose blocks that are flatter on top to avoid creating a tripping hazard.

  • Landscaping blocks are versatile, attractive materials that can enhance any kind of outdoor space.
  • Because landscaping blocks are usually solid, their own weight holds them together, so you don't need to use mortar or cement for stability.

Step 2

Prepare the site by leveling the ground. Dig down into the ground approximately two inches. You may want to dig a few inches deeper if you're creating a retaining wall.

Step 3

Add a layer of gravel at the base if you're creating a wall with the landscaping blocks. If you're creating a walkway or raised flower bed, add a layer of landscaping fabric to control weeds.

Step 4

Lay your first layer of landscaping blocks. Place your level on top of the blocks to ensure that they are level. If you're creating a multi-layered wall or border, check that it's level after stacking each layer.

  • Prepare the site by leveling the ground.
  • Add a layer of gravel at the base if you're creating a wall with the landscaping blocks.

Step 5

Fill in the seams between the landscaping blocks with sand if you're creating a walkway or patio. Tamp the blocks down using a roller to further level them out.


If you're using interlocking landscaping blocks, make sure you fit them together as tightly as possible to keep the structure strong and level. To make sure the landscaping blocks are as level as possible when building a retaining wall, use sand or packing gravel to help level out the base surface.


Don't attempt to use interlocking blocks to create a curved border or wall. These blocks cannot make a curve.

Things Needed

  • Landscaping blocks (interlocking or plain)
  • Shovel
  • Level
  • Gravel
  • Landscaping fabric (optional)
  • Sand (optional)
  • Roller (optional)
