How To Care For A Money Tree (Pachira Plant)

If you have a superstitious nature, chances are you may have a Pachira Aquatica, or Money Tree plant, in your home or office. Since the Money Tree is believed to bring good luck, it just makes sense that one would want it to be as healthy and viable as it can possibly be. Even though these plants are steadfast in their own right, taking heed to the general care of a Money Tree plant can help ensure its longevity.

How to Care for a Money Tree

Step 1

Inspect your Money Tree plant each week for moisture, pests, insects or other problems.

Step 2

Water the Money Tree sparingly when the soil becomes dry. The temperature and ventilation will aid in determining the frequency of watering. Money Trees only need mildly moist soil, never wet.

  • If you have a superstitious nature, chances are you may have a Pachira Aquatica, or Money Tree plant, in your home or office.
  • Water the Money Tree sparingly when the soil becomes dry.

Step 3

Position the Money Tree where it can receive filtered light. Avoid placing in direct full sun.

Step 4

Fertilize the Money Tree every four to six months with a quality liquid fertilizer. The size of your container and plant will determine how much liquid fertilizer to use, so consult the manufacturer's instructions.

Step 5

Use scissors or pruners to prune well-established Money Trees sparingly by cutting off stems at the base of the plant if desired. This will encourage new growth.

Step 6

Remove dried leaves or stems to avoid the risk of disease and to enhance the plant's appearance.

  • Position the Money Tree where it can receive filtered light.
  • Remove dried leaves or stems to avoid the risk of disease and to enhance the plant's appearance.

Care Instructions For A Money Tree Plant

In its native habitats in Central and South America, the money tree plant, also called a Malabar chestnut or Guiana chestnut (Pachira aquatica), grows in freshwater swamps and along rivers; the plant thrives with lots of water. Reaching up to 60 feet tall in the wild, the plant grows from 10 to 30 feet in the ground outside and 6 to 8 feet in a container, either indoors or out. Water in-ground plants weekly with a deep soaking; outdoor, in-ground trees are often tolerant of waterside locations by freshwater lakes and rivers. A money tree plant benefits from quarterly feeding with a balanced, water-soluble or liquid fertilizer applied according to the package directions. If you want to keep the plant small, remove older, larger branches at the crown of the plant as needed. Propagate new plants by taking cuttings from stems and rooting them in water.

Things Needed

  • Money Tree
  • Water
  • Liquid fertilizer
  • Scissors or pruners


The most common problems associated with Money Tree plants are over-watering and too much sun. Over-watering typically causes the leaves to turn yellow and the plant to turn pale, refusing to thrive. Too much sun can cause burning and yellowing of the leaves.
