How To Harvest Seeds From Peace Lilies Or Spathiphyllums

Peace lilies (Spathiphyllum) are dark green, hardy plants that sprout large, white flowers. The stems grow from one central clump. Generally grown as houseplants, peace lilies can get as big as 6 feet tall and 5 feet wide. The plants are tolerant of low humidity and low light levels. Peace lilies grow slowly and need moist soil to keep its leaves from drooping. If you want to propagate your peace lily, it is easy to collect the plant's seeds.

Step 1

Wait for your peace lily to flower. Peace lilies generally bloom in the summer, but a peace lily that is in good health and kept in a warm environment may also bloom at other times of the year.

  • Peace lilies (Spathiphyllum) are dark green, hardy plants that sprout large, white flowers.
  • Peace lilies grow slowly and need moist soil to keep its leaves from drooping.

Step 2

Examine the interior of the peace lily's white flowers. The interior of each flower will contain a pod in its center. If the pod is green, the seeds are not ready to harvest. The pods will eventually turn brown and then black.

Step 3

Cut off the pod when it has turned black. Use scissors or a knife to make a clean cut instead of twisting or ripping off the pod.

Step 4

Scrape the seeds off the pod with a spoon, a knife or a nail file. You can also use tweezers to pluck them off if preferred. Keep the seeds in an envelope until you are ready to use them.

  • Examine the interior of the peace lily's white flowers.
  • Keep the seeds in an envelope until you are ready to use them.

Types Of Peace Lilies

"Power Petite" is a good choice for growing as a houseplant or in a small pot, as it grows to an average height of only about 15 inches. It has dark, very shiny leaves. " Wallisii" is another dwarf peace lily that averages about 15 inches in height, with 10-inch-long, rippled leaves. The majority of peace lilies are used as floor plants or border plants in the garden. This plant reaches a maximum height of between 3 and 4 feet and has true green, glossy leaves that can be up to 9 inches wide. " The broad, ribbed leaves are 20 inches long. " Sensation Mini" is a similar, slightly smaller cultivar. " Domino" is the only variegated peace lily.

  • "Power Petite" is a good choice for growing as a houseplant or in a small pot, as it grows to an average height of only about 15 inches.
  • Wallisii" is another dwarf peace lily that averages about 15 inches in height, with 10-inch-long, rippled leaves.

Types Of Peace Lilies

"Power Petite" is a good choice for growing as a houseplant or in a small pot, as it grows to an average height of only about 15 inches. It has dark, very shiny leaves. " Wallisii" is another dwarf peace lily that averages about 15 inches in height, with 10-inch-long, rippled leaves. The majority of peace lilies are used as floor plants or border plants in the garden. This plant reaches a maximum height of between 3 and 4 feet and has true green, glossy leaves that can be up to 9 inches wide. " The broad, ribbed leaves are 20 inches long. " Sensation Mini" is a similar, slightly smaller cultivar. " Domino" is the only variegated peace lily.

  • "Power Petite" is a good choice for growing as a houseplant or in a small pot, as it grows to an average height of only about 15 inches.
  • Wallisii" is another dwarf peace lily that averages about 15 inches in height, with 10-inch-long, rippled leaves.

Things Needed

  • Scissors or knife
  • Spoon, nail file, or tweezers


Peace lily plants are easier to start by dividing the roots of the existing plant. When starting peace lilies from seed, it can take several years for the plant to become mature enough to flower. Some gardeners have tried to plant the entire seed pod to get several peace lily seedlings at once. This is not a successful method for starting a peace lily.
