How To Care For A Calandiva Plant
Calandiva is a variety of kalanchoe bred from Kalanchoe blossfeldiana and is the family Crassulaceae. It is grown and cared for like typical kalanchoe, having the same requirements. Calandiva produces flower heads that are quite large and full of flowers that can last for up to six weeks. The flowers range in colors of orange, pinks, purples, reds and whites. Calandiva, like most kalanchoes, can be grown outdoors in the tropical zones of 9, 10 and 11, but will need to be grown in containers in the cooler regions of the U.S.
Step 1
Grow plants in full sun to partial sun conditions, when planted outdoors. If your weather is particularly hot and dry, plants will do best planted in filtered to partial sun. Grow Calandiva indoors in an area that will receive high light throughout the day.
- Calandiva is a variety of kalanchoe bred from Kalanchoe blossfeldiana and is the family Crassulaceae.
- Calandiva, like most kalanchoes, can be grown outdoors in the tropical zones of 9, 10 and 11, but will need to be grown in containers in the cooler regions of the U.S. Grow plants in full sun to partial sun conditions, when planted outdoors.
Step 2
Grow Calandiva outdoors in a soil that is rich in organic material but drains very well. Amend sandy soils with compost or peat, working it into the existing soil to a depth of one foot. Calandiva will develop root rot if planted in soil that is consistently wet, as it is a succulent.
Step 3
Plant Calandiva grown into containers in a well draining potting mix that is high in organic material. Be sure the container has a drain hole in the bottom. Otherwise, the plant can develop root rot and die.
Step 4
Water outdoor grown plants once or twice per week, depending on how hot and dry your weather conditions are. Allow indoor plants to dry out between watering. Calandiva will tolerate some drought conditions better than being overwatered.
- Grow Calandiva outdoors in a soil that is rich in organic material but drains very well.
- Amend sandy soils with compost or peat, working it into the existing soil to a depth of one foot.
Step 5
Fertilize Calandiva plants once per month with a 10-10-10 water-soluble fertilizer that includes calcium, magnesium, manganese and iron.
Step 6
Protect Calandiva from frosts or freezes by bringing plants grown in containers indoors to a protected area. Cover outdoor grown plants with a protective blanket, if a freeze or frost is expected.
Pruning and pinching flowers is not necessary with Calandiva, as the plant cleans itself. Pests are usually not a problem with Calandiva. Fides Goldstock Breeding of the Netherlands was the one who first bred Calandiva.
Things Needed
- Compost
- Peat
- Potting Mix
- Water
- Fertilizer
- Blanket