How To Fertilize Oak Trees

Oak trees need varying amounts of fertilizer based on their age and rate of growth. They perform best when fed a complete balanced granular fertilizer You can use quick-release or slow-release formula. Using a fertilizer formulation containing trace elements or micronutrients such as iron and zinc can benefit the tree and is a bonus when buying a fertilizer product for your trees.

Step 1

Fertilize young oak trees from 3 to 5 years old twice a year with a complete and balanced formulation such as a 10-10-10 or 8-8-8. Apply according to the label directions and do not exceed 1 1/2 lbs. for every year of age. Make the first application in early spring and the second in early to midsummer.

  • Oak trees need varying amounts of fertilizer based on their age and rate of growth.
  • They perform best when fed a complete balanced granular fertilizer You can use quick-release or slow-release formula.

Step 2

Feed mature oak trees over 5 years old once per year or every other year in the spring at a rate recommended on the package label for the square footage under the tree canopy to at least a foot or two past the drip line.

Step 3

Feed oak trees 3 years old or younger very lightly if at all to encourage root development over top foliage development. Apply the complete granular fertilizer at a rate less than half a pound for every year of age.

Step 4

Apply any fertilizer over watered soil to eliminate the risk of burn and to speed percolation of the nutrients into the soil. Water in the fertilizer well a second time after applying.

Things Needed

  • Complete balanced granular fertilizer
  • Water
