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How to Care for a Silver Mound Plant

The silver mound plant (Artemisia schmidtiana) is also called wormwood or mugwort. It is a low-growing perennial, hardy in USDA hardiness zones 3 to 7, with silvery gray foliage. Growing 1 foot high and just as wide, this airy plant is perfect for rock gardens or in front of taller plants. It prefers well-drained soil and is drought tolerant.

Choose a site with full sun and well-drained soil. Plant container-grown plants in either the spring or fall.

Dig a hole to accommodate the plant. If planting more than one, they should be spaced at least 1 foot apart. Place the plant in the hole and fill with soil and water.

  • The silver mound plant (Artemisia schmidtiana) is also called wormwood or mugwort.
  • Growing 1 foot high and just as wide, this airy plant is perfect for rock gardens or in front of taller plants.

Clip off excess branches or runners to retain its mound-like shape. In areas with high humidity, silver mounds may look unruly and flop over.

Cut the plant back with scissors or snips, leaving only a few inches of the plant visible in late fall or early spring. It will grow back into a nicely rounded shape.

Check to be sure the soil is especially well drained during the winter. Soggy soil could kill the plant.

Care For A Silver Mound Plant

Water actively growing "Silver Mound" only when the top 3 inches of soil are dry to the touch. Over-watering and poorly drained, heavy soils are the most common reasons for failing plants. Roots suffocating from excessive moisture lead to stunted, discolored and dying leaves and suffocated roots. Excessive fertilizing can reduce its lifespan. Place a layer of organic mulch such as wood chips around "Silver Mound" to discourage weeds. Shape "Silver Mound" by pinching it back in April or early May. Use your fingernails to snap off branch tips and top sets of leaves right above a leaf mode.

  • Clip off excess branches or runners to retain its mound-like shape.
  • In areas with high humidity, silver mounds may look unruly and flop over.

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