How To Propagate Robinia Pseudoacacia Cuttings

Robinia Pseudoacacia, also known as the Black Locust, is a fast-growing tree that spreads rapidly through root suckers. Entire groves of Robinia Pseudoacacia can sprout in a very short time, each tree connected to the next via its roots. In many places Robinia Pseudoacacia is considered almost a weed. For those interested in propagating trees that are genetically identical to a parent tree, propagating by seeds is not an option due to the tremendous genetic variables that can occur in seeds. In order to raise trees that are genetically identical to a parent tree, cuttings are the only viable method, although cuttings of the Robinia Pseudoacacia can be difficult to root.

Step 1

Cut small new-growth branches with a leaf node near the cut. Branches should be at least 8 inches long, but can be longer.

  • Robinia Pseudoacacia, also known as the Black Locust, is a fast-growing tree that spreads rapidly through root suckers.
  • In order to raise trees that are genetically identical to a parent tree, cuttings are the only viable method, although cuttings of the Robinia Pseudoacacia can be difficult to root.

Step 2

Dip the cut end into rooting hormone. Allow the powder to stick to the cutting.

Step 3

Plant the cutting in a mixture of 50% sand and 50% vermiculite. Water well. Keep cuttings at a temperature of 70 to 75 degrees F.

Step 4

Mist the cuttings frequently with a spray bottle and keep the soil damp.

Step 5

Be patient. Rooting can take 3 months or more.

  • Dip the cut end into rooting hormone.
  • Allow the powder to stick to the cutting.


Root several cuttings at the same time since many cuttings fail to root.

Things Needed

  • Robinia Pseudoacacia cuttings
  • Rooting hormone
  • Vermiculite
  • Sand
  • Spray bottle
