How To Take Care Of A Pandora Vine

Pandora vine (Pandorea jasminoides) is a member of the family Bignoniaceae and is native to Malaysia and Australia. The vine is also called bower vine, spearwood bush and wonga wonga vine, and it has fragrant pink to red tubular flowers. This bushy, twining vine is an evergreen in USDA hardiness zones 9 and 10 and a perennial in zone 8, where it returns after winter. Cooler regions require treating pandora vine as an annual. Growing a pandora vine is relatively easy, but the vine needs to be trained.

Step 1

Grow pandora vine where it will receive full sunlight to partial sun; it will grow and bloom best if planted in high light areas.

Step 2

Amend the planting site with rich organic material such as compost or peat moss before planting. Make sure the planting area drains well; the vine will not do well in soggy conditions. Apply a yearly application of new compost to the planting area.

  • Pandora vine (Pandorea jasminoides) is a member of the family Bignoniaceae and is native to Malaysia and Australia.
  • The vine is also called bower vine, spearwood bush and wonga wonga vine, and it has fragrant pink to red tubular flowers.

Step 3

Plant the vine next to a wall, arbor or trellis that can support it. Train young vines by tying them to their support system with strings or wire.

Step 4

Water the planting site regularly during the warmer months of the year. Keep the soil moist, but not flooded. Don't water during winter.

Step 5

Use mulch to keep the planting site moist, reduce weed growth and protect the root system from frosts and freezes during winter. Cover the plants with blankets, if possible, to help reduce frost damage to the foliage.

  • Plant the vine next to a wall, arbor or trellis that can support it.
  • Use mulch to keep the planting site moist, reduce weed growth and protect the root system from frosts and freezes during winter.

Step 6

Fertilize pandora vine in early spring and summer with an all-purpose 10-10-10 granular fertilizer. Water the fertilizer in well after applying and keep the fertilizer from touching the trunk of the plant.

Step 7

Prune the vine to keep its size under control, make it bushier and to remove any dead wood. Snip off the vine right above a leaf terminal. Prune the vine all year long except during the winter. Trim the vine after it has finished blooming.

Step 8

Consider growing pandora vine in a container, if your soil is strictly light sand and nematodes are a problem. Pandora vine is susceptible to nematode damage, resulting in poor growth.

  • Fertilize pandora vine in early spring and summer with an all-purpose 10-10-10 granular fertilizer.
  • Prune the vine to keep its size under control, make it bushier and to remove any dead wood.

Things Needed

  • Compost
  • Peat moss
  • Water
  • Trellis, wall or arbor
  • Fertilizer
  • Mulch
  • Pruning shears
