How To Treat Mold On Daffodil Bulbs
Mold can be a mild, superficial nuisance that creates spots on your daffodil bulbs or it can be invasive to the point when it is has caused rot. A small amount of mold can be wiped or washed away before planting or storage. More severe cases of mold that have caused softening of the bulb tissues will require disposal to prevent failed bulbs and the spread of the mold spores.
Step 1
Wipe away any signs of blue-gray mold or black mold with a slightly damp, fresh paper towel. Allow the bulb surface to dry before storing it, or plant as usual.
Step 2
Spray bulbs that have a smattering of white mold, but are still firm to the touch with a plant safe fungicide and allow them to dry for a week or so on a stack of newspaper or atop dry clean sand.
Step 3
Discard bulbs with white mold that have softened with rot at any place on the bulb, as these are beyond saving with fungicide and can cause problems with other bulbs if they are stored together or planted.
- Mold can be a mild, superficial nuisance that creates spots on your daffodil bulbs or it can be invasive to the point when it is has caused rot.
- Discard bulbs with white mold that have softened with rot at any place on the bulb, as these are beyond saving with fungicide and can cause problems with other bulbs if they are stored together or planted.
Treat Mold On Daffodil Bulbs?
Look at the color of the mold. If it's brown, reddish or purplish near the base, and pink or white on the scales, it is probably narcissus basal rot (Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. Blue mold usually only affects the outer scales of the bulb and may be located in one spot or all over the bulb. The base of the bulb will also feel soft to the touch, rather than firm. Plant the bulb, if it's blue mold. Throw away bulbs infected with narcissus basal rot or crown rot. They should not be planted, according to Penn State Extension. Eventually, the bulb will be completely destroyed by rot. Crown rot infects the surrounding soil and can live in the soil for up to 10 years, so these bulbs should never be planted. Mold can also be prevented by immersing daffodil bulbs in hot water at 112 degrees Fahrenheit for three hours.
- Look at the color of the mold.
- Crown rot infects the surrounding soil and can live in the soil for up to 10 years, so these bulbs should never be planted.
Things Needed
- Water
- Paper towels
- Fungicide spray
- Newsprint
Refrain from over watering bulbs while they are in the soil or planting them in poor draining soils. Keep the soil lightly moist at all times but not soaking wet to prevent mold from establishing itself.