List Of Purple Flowers

A bouquet of purple flowers traditionally represents acknowledgment for success and accomplishments. Throughout history, the color purple has been associated with royalty, dignity and admiration. There are several types of purple flowers that can become part of an admiration bouquet, from peculiar to common.


There are dozens of color variations for this common garden flower, but purple tulips range from deep royal to lavender in appearance, making them a delightful addition to a congratulatory bouquet or flower gift.

Toad Lilies

Contrary to how its name sounds, the toad lily is a breathtaking display of color and design. It resembles the tiger lily in structure, but the petals are speckled with vibrant shades of white, lavender and deep purple.

Purple Statice

Purple statice is a common addition to many bouquets. The stems are long, thick and green, and they produce a burst of ruffled purple flowers. They often accompany baby's breath flowers in flower arrangements.

  • A bouquet of purple flowers traditionally represents acknowledgment for success and accomplishments.
  • There are dozens of color variations for this common garden flower, but purple tulips range from deep royal to lavender in appearance, making them a delightful addition to a congratulatory bouquet or flower gift.

Meadow Rue

Meadow rue is almost identical to baby's breath, except that its color ranges from lavender to vibrant royal purple. The blossoms are scattered whimsically among the plant's stems with varying shapes and hues.


Lilac bushes grow large and are very fragrant. The deep green foliage produces long shoots that sprout several lavender-colored blossoms. The scent of these purple blossoms is sought after for perfumes and body products, and the flowers make striking additions to any arrangement.
