How To Propagate Vinca

Vinca is a fast-growing, perennial ground cover plant with small blue flowers that bloom from summer to late fall. Also known as the periwinkle, gardeners love its ability to adapt to most any soil condition. The seeds of the vinca are very difficult to germinate, so propagation by cuttings is most common. You should start the cuttings indoors and then plant them in the garden in the spring. Vinca is hardy in USDA zones three to eight.

Step 1

Pour the seed starting mix into the planting pot. Moisten with water until it runs out of the bottom of the pot.

  • Vinca is a fast-growing, perennial ground cover plant with small blue flowers that bloom from summer to late fall.
  • The seeds of the vinca are very difficult to germinate, so propagation by cuttings is most common.

Step 2

Cut a 1.5-inch piece of vinca off of the mother plant. Insert the bottom of the cutting into the rooting hormone. Tap gently to remove any excess but make sure that the bottom of the cutting is covered with hormone.

Step 3

Create a small hole in the top of the planting mix and insert the cutting with the hormone-tipped end down. Tap the soil around the base of the cutting to ensure contact with the soil.

Step 4

Place the pot on a heating pad and set the temperature to 78 degrees. After two weeks, lower the temperature on the heating mat to 70 degrees.

  • Cut a 1.5-inch piece of vinca off of the mother plant.
  • Tap gently to remove any excess but make sure that the bottom of the cutting is covered with hormone.

Step 5

Water the vinca cutting just enough to keep the soil moist but not soggy. Allow it to drain completely before putting it back on the heating mat. The cutting should root within 30 days.

Step 6

Fertilize your vinca cutting prior to planting it in the garden with a 15-5-15 fertilizer, diluted to half the package-recommended strength.


The vinca has no specific lighting needs during the rooting period.


According to the ASPCA, Portulaca is toxic to dogs, cats and horses.

Things Needed

  • Vinca cutting
  • Small planting pot with holes in the bottom for drainage
  • Seed starting mix
  • Heating mat
  • Fertilizer, 15-5-15
