How To Make Homemade Squirrel Repellent
Although squirrels can be fun to watch and their antics amusing, the furry creatures can also be destructive pests that can do a great deal of damage. They can squeeze through tiny openings to build nests in attics and chimneys, chew tree bark and destroy fruit trees, eat flower bulbs and raid bird feeders. Squirrels have sensitive noses, so homemade repellent can often be an effective solution, but be sure to use the smelly mixture consistently for at least 2 weeks.
Step 1
Chop the onion and put it in a saucepan with a cup of water. Bring the water to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes.
Step 2
Strain the onion from the water. Discard the onion and pour the water into a bucket. Add a gallon of warm water, then mix in the Tabasco sauce and soap. Stir the mixture with a large spoon.
- Although squirrels can be fun to watch and their antics amusing, the furry creatures can also be destructive pests that can do a great deal of damage.
- Discard the onion and pour the water into a bucket.
Step 3
Pour the squirrel repellent in a large spray bottle and spray the squirrel repellent wherever the squirrels have become a problem.
Make Homemade Squirrel Repellent
Commercial squirrel repellents depend on scents and flavors repugnant to the pests. Using the repellent with other tactics, such as exclusion and plant protections, can help minimize the squirrels in your yard. Combine 1 teaspoon mild dish soap, one 5-ounce bottle of hot pepper sauce and 1 gallon of water in a large storage container. Stir the ingredients together until they are fully combined. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle that hasn't previously held any harmful chemicals. Label the spray bottle with the contents. Reapply the spray every two or three days or after heavy rainfall. Place a handful of hair in the center of the cheesecloth and gather up the edges of the cloth to enclose the hair. Alternatively, set the bags on top the ground in areas where squirrels are digging. Replace the bags periodically as their effectiveness wanes.
- Pour the squirrel repellent in a large spray bottle and spray the squirrel repellent wherever the squirrels have become a problem.
- Place a handful of hair in the center of the cheesecloth and gather up the edges of the cloth to enclose the hair.
Things Needed
- 1 small onion
- 1 small bottle Tabasco or hot pepper sauce
- 1 gallon water plus 1 cup water
- 2 tsp. Murphy's Oil Soap or mild dish soap
- Large spoon
- Large spray bottle
To keep squirrels from eating flower bulbs, dip the bulbs in cayenne pepper powder before planting.