How To Harvest Wisteria Vine Seeds
Wisteria are woody vines that will twine and climb over nearly anything, and can sometimes grow to be as much as 70 feet long. The ornamental vines will bear clusters of beautiful purple flowers that will hang down like bunches of grapes. Wisteria seeds are easy to gather from pods that hang from the vine, but keep in mind that a new wisteria plant grown from seed will take up to 15 years before it produces blooms.
Step 1
Look for the pods that will hang down in clusters from the wisteria vine. Wisteria is related to the pea, and the pods will be similar to a pea pod. They will turn from green to brown, and will have a velvety appearance.
Step 2
Wait for the wisteria pods to turn brown, and then pull them off the vine and drop them in a large paper sack. Don't wait too long, because the pods will explode and the seeds will be dispersed, especially on hot, autumn days.
- Wisteria are woody vines that will twine and climb over nearly anything, and can sometimes grow to be as much as 70 feet long.
- Wisteria seeds are easy to gather from pods that hang from the vine, but keep in mind that a new wisteria plant grown from seed will take up to 15 years before it produces blooms.
Step 3
Leave the pods in the bag until they are dry and brittle. If the seeds don't come out on their own, break open the pods and remove them. There will be between one and eight seeds in each pod. The seeds will be brown in color, and will be between ½ and 1 inch in diameter.
Step 4
Put the wisteria seeds in a small paper bag. Store them in a cool, dry place until you're ready to plant.
Grow Wisteria From Seeds
Wisteria's (Wisteria spp.) After the pods become brittle, twist them open to release the seeds inside. You can plant immediately or save the seeds until spring in a sealed jar or envelope. Fill the pot with the soil mix and water it until the moisture drains from the bottom of the pot and into a drip tray. You can empty the drained water after 30 minutes. Covering the pot with a plastic bag helps retain moisture during germination, but remove the bag after the seeds sprout. Place the pot in a south-facing window or other sunny spot, but keep the temperatures above 55 F. Wisteria needs to be watered when the top 1/2 inch of soil feels dry. Wipe down your shears with a cloth soaked in rubbing alcohol to disinfect them, and cut off a 6-inch basal shoot in early summer. Plant the shoot in a moist mixture of equal parts peat and sand, using a 5-inch diameter pot with bottom drainage.
- Leave the pods in the bag until they are dry and brittle.
- Covering the pot with a plastic bag helps retain moisture during germination, but remove the bag after the seeds sprout.
Things Needed
- Large paper sack
- Small paper bag